Hi All...
Sorry to have been among the missing lately. I have been battling my insurance company and the company that supplies my Gleevec all summer. grrrrrrrrrrrrr Insurance company refused to pay for two months in 2002 so they sent the bill to me. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or have a nervous breakdown when I opened THAT bill... $9,000!! Because of the discrepancy the drug company refused to send my Gleevec to me.... so I had a few scary weeks of not taking it, wondering if I would relapse or not. The gal in my onc's business office has gotten it all straightened out now and we have changed drug companies. Whew!
I started having trouble with my back in mid-June. Problem was finally tracked down to a flattened nerve from a slipped disk. Had surgery last Wednesday and naturally it didn't go as planned. Surgery was supposed to take 1-1/2 hours... took 4 hours. Seems that most disks when they slip go down... mine went up and a long ways. Also the nerve had wrapped around several times. When the neurosurgeon scraped the offending bone off to relieve pressure on the nerve part of a bone above it broke off also. So we don't know quite where we are at this point with that. All I know is... it ain't fun.
The third lovely event was that our plumbing decided to rear its ugly head. After a full day of digging by my husband and sons they found that the builders (may they rot in hell) laid the pipes under the concrete basement. Plumber was called.... will be here tomorrow, along with a backhoe (there goes the yard) to dig up the line to the street. The whole house will need to be replumbed. Because the leak is under the house and not contained in it, our insurance will not pay. grrrrrrrrrrrr
At least my heart has been behaving
(knock on wood)!
Hope everyone is doing well... will try to read the posts and catch up when I feel a bit better.
Take care,
Sorry to have been among the missing lately. I have been battling my insurance company and the company that supplies my Gleevec all summer. grrrrrrrrrrrrr Insurance company refused to pay for two months in 2002 so they sent the bill to me. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, or have a nervous breakdown when I opened THAT bill... $9,000!! Because of the discrepancy the drug company refused to send my Gleevec to me.... so I had a few scary weeks of not taking it, wondering if I would relapse or not. The gal in my onc's business office has gotten it all straightened out now and we have changed drug companies. Whew!
I started having trouble with my back in mid-June. Problem was finally tracked down to a flattened nerve from a slipped disk. Had surgery last Wednesday and naturally it didn't go as planned. Surgery was supposed to take 1-1/2 hours... took 4 hours. Seems that most disks when they slip go down... mine went up and a long ways. Also the nerve had wrapped around several times. When the neurosurgeon scraped the offending bone off to relieve pressure on the nerve part of a bone above it broke off also. So we don't know quite where we are at this point with that. All I know is... it ain't fun.
The third lovely event was that our plumbing decided to rear its ugly head. After a full day of digging by my husband and sons they found that the builders (may they rot in hell) laid the pipes under the concrete basement. Plumber was called.... will be here tomorrow, along with a backhoe (there goes the yard) to dig up the line to the street. The whole house will need to be replumbed. Because the leak is under the house and not contained in it, our insurance will not pay. grrrrrrrrrrrr
At least my heart has been behaving
Hope everyone is doing well... will try to read the posts and catch up when I feel a bit better.
Take care,