ugh....what a volatile thread this could turn into !!
Im going to go against the grain here a bit, will probably get kicked out of VR all together but since this is an "approved" non-VR oriented thread, I'll throw out my two cents.
I work for one of those big bad banks. Im not a fancy chair person, worker bee in the IT arena who is all too familiar with "globalization" and the outsourcing of jobs overseas. We have been told that by the end of 2010 we need to have 50% of our operations "globalized" (i.e. outsourced). We will get no raises this year, no bonuses either. Im simply happy to still eb employed. My butt may be on the chopping block as part of that transition Im sure. But I will deal with that when the time comes. While it frustrates me to see jobs leave the US for overseas I can't say I totally disagree with it. If a company has the ability to run its operation more cost effectively by outsourcing why should it be stopped ? Loyalty to employess ? Lets say your groceries at Kroger cost you $100. Then you go shopping at ShopRight and those exact same groceries cost you $75. Your gonna probably shop at ShopRight going forward right ? But what about loyalty to Kroger ? Shouldn't business be afforded the same right ? I think its nieve to think a company is going to sacrifice its profitability to keep people on the books that cost more than others. Is it fair to those folks that have worked for the company for 20 years ? Certainly not but that is the nature of beast. Corporations are going to do with is best for them and people need to do the same. If you see the writing on the wall that your job is going to be eliminated you should start looking for some other opportunity or look at getting a skillset that is not something that can be outsourced. It sucks that it happens but I don't think you can stop it. As consumers we can boycott that company and buy from a company that is based and ran out of the U.S. But odds are you will pay more because things simply cost more to make here. I know Im willing to pay 10 - 20% more for American made products. Given today's climate I think its a wonderful marketing opportunity "Made in America" would be something that I think many would take notice of and would be willing to pay a little more for knowing that they are employing American's in the process.
GM is now in Chapter 11 and part of the strategy they are looking to employ coming out of it is to open plants in China to build the small fuel efficient cars. We have kicked around buying a new car and one of the first questions I ask is where was it built, where did the parts come from ? If I buy a car it will be built in America, by Americans ? Racist ? I don't think so, pro-American is my perspective. And if my car costs me an extra 3K Im willing to accept that. If GM goes that route then I guess they won't have me as a customer. Unfortunately most people only care about price. What is the cheapest I can get something for and those products all seem to be manufactured overseas. Go to Wal-Mart, checkout the labeling on their products. Wal-mart is the 8th largest trading partner with China ! When the news refers to trading partners its usually about countries not companies ! Personally i avoid that store unless I have absolutely no choice in the matter. I've also been told that they pay their employees the minimum that they can get away with when it comes to benefits.
What can the government do about it ? First off we can tax companies on their overseas operations. I saw on the news that there is a building in the Cayman Islands that is all of two stories tall, maybe 4000 sq feet total that houses over 6,000 corporate "subsidiaries". Corporations run business through these fronts because they don't have to pay a corporate tax on them, same can be said with manufacturing. Supposably there is legislation in the works to fix this but I bet it never flys, special interest lobbies will take care of that. I don't think the government has any business telling companies where they get their employees from or what they pay them. Thats simply supply and demand. People in the US simply won't work for $8.00 per hour. The governments role should be limited to ensuring that the products being offered are safe to the public and that the company isn't doing something that puts the interests (physical or financial) of others in harms way. Can anyone say AIG ? Washington Mutual ? The people that made the decisions that brought those companies down should be prosecuted and sent to prison for a long long time and all of their assets should be seized. I know folks who worked for WaMu for over 20 years and had their retirements mostly in company stock. When the company failed, the stock became worthless and those folks are basically screwed with no retirement. THAT ticks me off to no end.
I know Social Security and Medicare are touchy subjects but the fact of the matter is we have 3 workers now paying in for every person receiving benefits. 20 years ago that ratio was 10 to 1. So we have a few obvious choices and one that is more subtle. Obvious - raise taxes on those that pay in, reduce benefits, or up the age for eligibility. All of those pretty much suck. Subtle - actually streamlining of the operations would save billions annually. Ever try to fire a government employee ? Good luck with that. I did a contract at a state agency and I saw first hand the amount of people who could give a lick about the quantity or quality of the work they did. They know they can't get fired. They have a mentality that their job is their birthright, not a priviledge. Quitting time was 4:45 each day and by 4:35 people had coats on, loitering at the stairwell waiting for the bell to ding. 4:50 the place was a ghost town. And if overtime was required for something a minimum of 4 hours was paid to the employee. Doesn't matter that it took literally 5 minutes to fix the issue, 4 hours of pay is what they get. How is that even allowed !! Holding state/federal employees to the same standards that private companies do in regards to employment productivity would go a long way in eliminating the inefficiencies within government AND reduce the amount of money that is wasted.
Im all about protecting American's jobs and interests but how many countries have transformed over the last 30 years to industrialized nations ? China ? India ? The fact is other countries are catching up to the US and we need to find new technologies to drive our economy or we have to compete with countries that don't play "fair" when it comes benefits and wages. My hope is the government does more to drive technological development. We need a Manhatten Project for Engery Technology. Take the best and brightest from the private industry and college campuses and give them the funding to do the research necessary to make bio-fuel, wind, and solar engergies cost effective and viable alternatives to coal/oil. That could be what drives our economy for the next 30 years and bring jobs back to the US.
Hopefully this doesn't end up with me getting beaten up, its only my perspective and to be honest its incomplete. I can talk about this stuff for hours. Back under my rock I go.