I knew it was too good to be true!

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Hi Nancy. I'm so sorry to hear of this. Please keep us posted as to Joe's discharge and progress.

Relieved to hear that.

Relieved to hear that.

Hi there Nancy, so sorry Joe fell and hurt himself, but happy to hear that he's recovering and will soon be home. He's a very strong man and judging by what you tell us about him, he'll soon be walking normally again. By the way, how are you doing? Take care and say hello to Joe for me.
A big cyberhug for you. ((Nancy))
Take care of yourself while you are caring for your husband.
It's scary when we see a 'Joe is in the hospital' thread. We had a whole year of no in-patient days but here we are, still in early 2005 - don't start, Joe. Let this one be the end of it for this year. Congratulations on no broken bones. Take it easy and you will be back good as new soon. Please keep us informed. We always worry about you two.
Sorry to hear about Joe's mishap. Hope he is makes a quick recovery and is home soon.

get well wishes...

get well wishes...

:) I hope Joe is on his way to a speedy recovery by now!
Get well wishes on coming your way!
Hi Nancy - just wanted to add my well wishes to everyone elses. I'm sorry Joe's back in hospital, but thank goodness there were no broken bones and that it wasn't heart related! Maybe he was just missing that hospital ambience... ;)

I hope he's back on his feet real soon.

Best wishes to you both,
Anna : )
Dear Nancy:

Thank God you found him so quickly. And that he didn;'t hit his head.
Please....give himn our best. =============Marybeth
Nancy, Please tell Joe to check with me when he "plans" these episodes. Here I was out of town visiting my daughter at school and Joe has to go through all this! I wasn't even around to share. . .

I AM really glad there's nothing serious amiss, and wish him speedy recovery.

You're BOTH a couple of tough ones!

What an awful, scarey experience for you both! (I'm talking about having to wait in the ER). ;)

I'll keep you both in my prayers. Please update us when you can. I hope Joe's back in action soon.


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