I have dates to pick from!

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This is the weekend after July 4, not the weekend of July. July 4 is a Wednesday, surgery is scheduled for the following Friday.
Question is when do we actually celebrate the 4th?

I'm okay with the date, now that I'm sure the surgeon will be there the whole time I am there
That seems OK to me also. You want the guy around who KNOWS.

Still seems like a long time to be waiting. Any chance they could have a cancellation and move it up?

Quit scaring me, man! I'm mentally ok with July 6-I get 6 more good Saturday rides! Plus, my wife and I need to go to North Carolina to look at some property we have there--that will eat up one of the weekends and 2 or 3 days either side of the weekend.

I don't really want to go earlier, so long as everything remains stable. I know there is a risk, but it is pretty low and none of the medical people seem concerned. I also know Ross' blew at less than 5cm, but I don't know that they were watching it closely. The AHA guidelines are, I think, 5.5 cm unless you have a family history or Marfans.

NOw go get on your stationary bike!