I have a date for my AVR

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Dear Jody ~ My best wishes and lots of prayers for a successful surgery and a smooth recovery. It's normal to panic when you're about to have such a major surgery...i'm sure the doctors and nurses will take wonderful care of you though. I've had major surgery in the past and have had nurses who were like angels and gave me wonderful care. The nurses didn't stay with me round the clock though, so it would be good to have family be there with you in ICU if they can be. ~~HUGS~~ Dawn-Marie
Jody, While I was in ICU, my husband wasn't allowed to "officially" spend the night with me but he could come and go and stay as long as he liked. I told him beforehand however, that he needed to use that time to sleep because once I got to the step down unit, I would need him to spend the night with me. I did have a nurse, one on one, by my side for the entire 48 hours I was in ICU. Once I was moved to step down, there was 1 nurse for every two patients so I wasn't wanting for care there but my husband did stay with me every night.

I found that the nurses didnt' come in nearly as often as I had remembered in the past to wake me up in the night. I didn't sleep very well at night while I was in the hospital because I was so uncomfortable from the chest tubes and the pain in my right shoulder and back. So the nurses spent alot of time in my room at night trying to help make me comfortable.

I know the worries of leaving younger kids at home while you are gone...mine did just fine and I bet yours will too.

Good luck to you and it will all be over before you know it.

Jody, I also have some trouble with anesthesia, and I really don't remember much of my first 2 days in hospital. My hubby sat beside my bed daily and by day 3 things turned around and I could communicate. Tubes came out and I got up to sit in a chair. After that I found that recovery came steadily in small steps. Be patient and thankful for everything little thing. Best wishes.
We were told 4 1/2 to 5 hours, but I think that was almost a maximum. I gave my son (35) and my daughter (13) a list of errands to run while I was in surgery, which lasted only 3 hours. Fortunately, they had ignored my instructions and were at the hospital. [Two weeks later they told my older daughter (31) they couldn't believe I was thinking of sending them to exchange my phone, etc., while I was having surgery. She said, "D'uh. She just did that to keep you busy so you would worry less." They had never figured it out.]

I was so glad they stayed! I woke with violent, uncontrolled spasms of my esophagus, which had in the past screwed up my heart on a GOOD day. It had to be treated fast, and there was no way with tubes still in and not able to talk that I could have explained it to the nurses. I asked for my kids, who were right by the door; all I got written was "esoph" before they told the nurse what was happening and I was medicated within seconds. Our hospital at pre-anesthesia gives us a brochure on having your advocate there at all times, and it paid off for me, in a way we didn't anticipate.

By the way, that pain I "brought with me" was the only really bad pain I had throughout the whole process. They don't want you to have pain, and they won't let you. It's scary to anticipate, but I found it much less painful and healing much faster than I anticipated.
Hi Jody, just want to send my best wishes your way and I too will keep you in my prayers....my AVR is schedued for June 18th and I can't wait til its behind me...I see that your stenosis was caused by radiation therapy...I too have aortic stenosis .....i received radiation and later chemo for hodgkins lymphoma in 1976 and 1978...the docs told me this may have caused the problem. Also there's the possibility of calcification in the arteries due to radiation to my chest area, but i won't know that until the angio on the 17th.....you will come through this with flying colors and then can enjoy living your life again....keep us posted or maybe someone can keep us up to date while you recover..prayers and jugs your way........stella:)