My Cardiologist made it very clear to me that my GP (General Practicioner) was the quarterback of my team of specialt ists and this was reinforced by my Cardiac surgeon and my Endocronologist while she writes a RX for me , he (my GP) will coordinate it as to dose and refill my needs my nephrologist handles RX's the same manner,,,,,,,,the reason my cardiologist was so adament that the GP oversees it all is because my team of health care professionals has me on a rergimin of 15 RXs and 5 over the counter drugs and vitamins. If yoour primary gave you antibioltics would she not understand what others are doing .....I know that my GP gets a written report from all of my team members
It depends this close to surgery if the GP isn't part of the same system, they might not have gotten copies of the reports so far.
We ALWAYS went to either the surgeon or cardiologist with any problems until they signed off at the 6 week or so appt .. then we would call the ped.