I have 2 post op questions

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My Cardiologist made it very clear to me that my GP (General Practicioner) was the quarterback of my team of specialt ists and this was reinforced by my Cardiac surgeon and my Endocronologist while she writes a RX for me , he (my GP) will coordinate it as to dose and refill my needs my nephrologist handles RX's the same manner,,,,,,,,the reason my cardiologist was so adament that the GP oversees it all is because my team of health care professionals has me on a rergimin of 15 RXs and 5 over the counter drugs and vitamins. If yoour primary gave you antibioltics would she not understand what others are doing .....I know that my GP gets a written report from all of my team members

It depends this close to surgery if the GP isn't part of the same system, they might not have gotten copies of the reports so far.
We ALWAYS went to either the surgeon or cardiologist with any problems until they signed off at the 6 week or so appt .. then we would call the ped.
It depends this close to surgery if the GP isn't part of the same system, they might not have gotten copies of the reports so far.
We ALWAYS went to either the surgeon or cardiologist with any problems until they signed off at the 6 week or so appt .. then we would call the ped.

I guess that is a big difference
My GP said he looked forward to my daily updates and reports as it kept his interest with all the fresh details as he had 22 yrs as an Emerg doctor and never had a case like mine that ended in a radical sternectomy
I'm not sure what prompted you to think Keflex might hurt your heart. You should have taken it. It's hardly different from the amoxicillin we take prior to dental work - slightly broader spectrum, but quite safe. If you're not going to do what your doctor advises, you should let him or her know. Anyway, I hope your wounds heal soon!
I guess that is a big difference
My GP said he looked forward to my daily updates and reports as it kept his interest with all the fresh details as he had 22 yrs as an Emerg doctor and never had a case like mine that ended in a radical sternectomy

I think what Lyn said is pretty much how things are in the states. I never even saw my primary care doc when I was in the hospital; cardiologist came to see me every day and for the first few weeks out of the hospital, all concerns, except for the incision, were for the cardiologist.
Hi everyone. Ok I don't want everyone worrying about my drain holes. I saw the cardiologist today and she thought they looked alright....alittle red but the yellowy part I see is new skin growing (who knew). She said to worry when I see green discharge or a smell. So my drain holes are ok. And she did not think I needed to take the antibiotics. I guess, for guys, antibiotics don't cause to many issues.....but for girls its alittle different and if I don't really need an antibiotic I would rather not take it. My primary care doctor is not real involved with any of this. I had gone in to see her for a whole other issue and I just showed them to her. So my cardiologist thought I was doing great. Heart rate was down to 89. She is not concerned. No need for a beta blocker Yeah!.....so I am just on one aspirin a day now. She wants me to come in for an echo in 3 weeks and thats it. I can return to work Aug 23. Thanks for all the concern and answers.....I just love that I can come here with a question and get so many great answers.....Robin
Glad to hear the good news, Robin! I've been thinking about you a lot today, knowing you had your appt. So, thanks a bunch for the update and I pray that you will continue along on the road to a good, complete healing! Take care.

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