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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
First snow of the year and we got lambasted but good. 6 or so inches of this white junk to look at. My youngest sons car was hit by a Jaguar. Doesn't even have the car paid for and currently has no job, so this should be interesting....NOT! :(

I'm getting really tired of the snow and ice every year. Seems like the older I get, the more I hate it.

That's my morning "Grumpies" rant.

Carry on.

AKRON-CANTON 34 28 0.67 07
CLEVELAND 37 33 0.68 04
COLUMBUS 40 33 0.37
CINCINNATI 42 34 0.12
DAYTON 39 31 0.22
FINDLAY 35 26 0.18
CINC-LUNKEN 43 36 0.20
MANSFIELD 34 29 0.13
TOLEDO 38 26 0.46
YOUNGSTOWN 33 19 0.42 05
ZANESVILLE 39 32 0.18
Wish y'all could move to Florida. I would come visit you. It's about 40 here this morning and feels pretty cold to us, but nothing like you are looking at. I recall living in Baltimore for 5 yrs and hated it from day one and in winter I simply hibernated. I grew up in Miami. Had to be there for the full 5 yrs for husband's education but the moment the time was up, it was back to Florida and warmth. You'd probly miss the snow, tho. Most folks do. Daughter-in-law is from Philly and she doesn't miss any of the cold and loves the heat of Sarasota. Even the hot humid summers.
I agree with you, Rossman!!! I've been out shoveling twice so far...yesterday, which was light and fluffy, and this morning, which absolutely sucked!!! It was a heavy, wet snow that fell last night. Just got it. Tyce is using the hairblower to blow out the snow clumps in the dogs' feathers and has a table full of hair! Of course, THEY love it and go out whenever they can.

We currently have about 8 inches here and Eastern Long Island is supposed to have blizzard conditions today with another 8-12 possible.....GRRRRR!!! We called a friend of ours to plow because Tyce's little tractor can't handle this weight snow. The good thing is that we're healthy, inside where it's warm, and putting up Christmas houses.....

Be safe, everyone.

I am SO glad I live in the south... :D

And I used to think just moving as far north as Dallas (grew up in Houston) was TOO far (experienced first "snow" when I moved to Dallas area). I am not a fan of snow or cold and never will be. Hope you keep warm everyone!

We'd be more than happy to welcome you to Cincinnati. It's only a few hundred miles away, but all we got was rain, which is usually what happens every time a "major winter storm" blows through.

Also, I promise you won't have to root for the Bengals...
Hi Ross,

Have you seriously ever considered moving south? We moved from Michigan to Florida about 30 years ago and one of the factors that weighed heavily in the decision making was that neither Tom nor I cared for the dreary winters.

Ten years later when we moved from Florida to North Carolina, the part that frightened me about our move was the "North" part of it. We still get winter here but not as bad as you guys get.
It's 9 inches and counting here. Still snowing heavily, and scheduled to do that into the evening. The plow just came around. That's late for them. Hope I get through the "end of the driveway" with the snowblower. The plow piles it high.

Just went into the fenced in front yard and shoveled a path for Harriet, our little dog. The snow is up to her head. Took her for a walk early this morning with her leggings coat on. She hopped like a rabbit at top speed the whole way. She was very excited, really yanking on the leash.

Glad I have a 4 X 4 and an Eskimo type coat.
I LOVE SNOW!! Because in Colorado (as opposed to Iowa where I was born and raised) the sun shines 300+ days a year and melts the snow off the roads and makes it tolerable to go out and play in the snow. I remember while living in Iowa one time, the sun didn't shine for over a month. I went to a tanning parlor just to get warm. Never had been to a tanning parlor before or after!

Besides, I just love the change of seasons. Makes life interesting. Ask me in 10-20 years what I think of snow. I may have changed my mind by then! :D

I have just the opposite problem - I abolutely HATE humidity and extreme heat. It zaps all my energy.

Christina L
Come to AZ during the winter. You won't regret it!

Come to AZ during the winter. You won't regret it!

I have never regretted my move from the Canadian province of Ontario to the SW part of Arizona in 1977. I have never missed any part of snow other than that it is nice to look at when it first comes down. After that forget it. I hate cold, and don't function well. It makes me depressed when I don't see the sun for weeks on end.
The warm climate in Arizona is the envy of many people when it is miserable in their part of the world/country. We do have a few hot months during the summer, but even with that it beats shoveling snow anytime.
I love it here, and most of the time hardly any humidity either.
I own a warm jacket but have worn it maybe half a dozen times over the years. It still looks brandnew. Just need a warm sweatshirt during the early mornings in the winter months.
Don't believe me, so come out for a visit and see for yourself. I'll show you around. Promise!
I'll probably live to regret this...but we have no snow yet and I'm kind of wishing we did. The pictures I've seen have looked so pretty.

Well Ross I'm sorry you guys are getting nailed.
We have a lot of friends and relatives down there.
Funny thing is in recent years it keeps going south of Michigan, we had nothing but dry cold weather ........so far!
My wife and I both have consisdered Florida but I don't know if we could stand the heat and humidity.
I sure wouldn't miss the cold and snow.
We are snowed in here in MA, still coming down. The wind is blowing so much that you can't see through the windows with screens on them. My 3 year old Grand daughter enjoyed playing in it and my husband got to use his new snowblower, just trying to look at the bright side. Luckily I didn't have to drive anywhere.
I live about 100 miles from Christina in Arizona and I agree with everything she said. We came here from Buffalo, New York, which is one of the snow capitols of the world. It was actually very warm today in Tempe, Arizona (Home of the Sun Devils) with a temperature of 77 degrees. If you choose to come out here and visit with Christina, I also promise to show you around the Phoenix Metro area.

Question--snow removal

Question--snow removal

Hey Ross,a similar situation to your son's accident occurred in my family. My sister-in-law with an unpaid for and no collision insurance on her $1000 car hit a deer.:mad: They get in the way a lot in Maine. By the way don't you also have mountain lions in Ohio? How big was the jaguar? are they big enough to do a lot of damage?:D

THE QUESTION> We don't have a snow-blower, should I help my wife shovel? and if I don't, won't the neighbors start talking about me? What if I just go out and sort of fake it? I do have an image to protect.:D


Hey, everyone, listen up. Missouri needs snow storm very badly. We haven't had a realy major anything other than an ice storm in years. We barely have had snow for years. I can remember big snow storms with huge feets of snow and my father had to did a tunnel during one years ago. We have had such mild winters here that when I hear of several feet of snow somewhere, I get misty eyed for years that have gone by. So, if any of you are sick of snow, send it my way. Thanks and keep warm and safe.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Hi Ram-

Joe hasn't been able to shovel, ever. I do all the snowblowing and heavy outside work. We don't give a fig about what the neighbors have to say, they don't know the extent of his heart and pulmonary problems. It all balances out because he does a lot of the inside stuff, which I hate. So, who cares if our household is different? I just got inside from snowblowing again, and shoveling too. Will go back outside to do some more after lunch. I use a small shovel and the snow is light Took my blood-pressure when I got back inside, and it was normal. I'm the only woman in the neighborhood who does this stuff, I think.

Your neighbors must know you've had heart surgery.
My poor husband is still outside shoveling......Nancy, we seem to have more than you did, we probably have 12-14"...pretty but no fun to shovel or drive in.

Like others of us with heart problems I am exempt from those duties, and I don't think any of us should feel badly....there are just limitations, realistic ones.

Ross, sorry to hear about your son's accident. But it sounds as though he is OK? The most important part. Won't the jaguar have to pay? Hope so.

Take care,everyone.
Hi Nan-

Yesterday it was 9 inches, but that was in the afternoon. Today it's the same as you got probably more like 14 or 15.

My daughter on Long Island tells me she measured her snow at 20 inches and still snowing with lots of wind.
I feel so bad for all you guys. Take care and stay warm!

Nancy, even though you arn't the "heart patient" here, please be very very careful. I sure don't want anything to happen to you!
Well, we have about 2 feet of snow here now and it is still snowing!

Ram, if you go out it had better just be to hail a truck with a plow! I don't have to tell you not to shovel, now do I?

I am still counting the years to move to Florida. I will miss the skiing though. How soon after surgery can one ski normally? Just wondering..........................;)

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