I had posted a little while back about being confused about drastic readings....

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Active member
Feb 16, 2012
Greenwood, In
went to my family doctor about my concerns and she sent me to a different doctor for a second opinion. Second doctor looked at all my echo results and the TEE/cath results and said that my shortness of breath and fategue was NOT from my heart based on the cath. She had asked me if anyone had ever sent me for a pulmonary function test, the answer was no. So she got that along with a chest xray and some blood work ordered. I went for the PFT today. The respiratory guy who did the test (he admitted he shouldn't have been talking to me about the results) but told me that I have stage 1 COPD. Now just waiting for the doctor to call me to let me know how they want to handle treatment. The respiratory guy said that at this point most likely for now just being put on an inhaler will be all that is needed. Wish it wasn't what it is, but glad it was caught early!
Sorry to hear of this new development. It is, however, probably better to find out about it and begin treatment than to let it get too bad before addressing it. And certainly better to know than to have it become severe and then find out about it.

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