I ate a horse! (the equivalent weight in coumadin)

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2002
Imlay City, Michigan
Doesn?t that make sense? I?ve been eating coumadin now for seven years, which adds up to quite a lot of coumadin. So I thought that for my seventh valversary, I would calculate how many tons of coumadin I have now consumed. That can then be translated into the kind of animal, the equivalent weight of which I have consumed in coumadin.
My first thought was that I have all the little books in which I have recorded my coumadin dosage and INR tests for the past seven years; I could dig them all out and add up the total, one day at a time. It didn?t take me long to reject that idea.
I have averaged 5 or 6 mgs of coumadin a day now for seven years. So seven years times 365 days a year equals 2555 days. To be accurate, there have been two leap years included in that, so adding those two February 29ths makes 2557 days. On the average, then, I?ve taken 5.5 mgs of coumadin for 2557 days, which adds up to the grand total of 14063.5 mgs of coumadin!
So what is an mg? After some research, I learned that a mg, a milligram, is one-thousandth of a gram (not one-millionth). So my total consumption of coumadin so far in my life totals out at 14.0635 grams! Isn?t that fabulous!
But what is a gram? Being thoroughly MeriCan, I haven?t the foggiest idea. The answer from www.calculateme.com is that it is 0.03100471024237026 pounds. That isn?t sounding like very much. The good news is that 0.03100471024237026 pounds equals 0.49607536387792417 ounces, which is starting to sound like something. I?ve consumed almost a full half ounce of raw coumadin in my life! It sure seemed a lot larger when it was going down.
I did some checking to see what kind of big game type animal weighs somewhere around roughly a half ounce, and I found one! A wikipedia article reports that their weight can vary from as little as a quarter of an ounce all the way up to two ounces! No, not a rat, but a mouse! So I guess I have to conclude that I?ve eaten the weight of a small mouse in coumadin during the past seven years. Somehow that puts a measure of meaning to my consumption of coumadin?a very small measure.
But thanks anyway for reading this far.
Jim, you're a nut ! I love it !!!!! Just what this crazy place needed - bu I will reach my "mouse" before 7 years, 'cos I take anywhere from 7.5 to 9.5 g daily, depending on what games my stomach is playing and what meds I need to keep it going.
"So my total consumption of coumadin so far in my life totals out at 14.0635 grams!"

in my reality, that would be nearly three 5-gram hershey's kisses.
Jim - have you been doing too many wine tastings????? :D

Congrats on #7! Wishing you the best years ahead.
Obviously someone has too much time on their hands :cool:

So, after another 7 years you'll either have had a full size mouse or a small rat right?

Congrats to you Jim on your 7th Anniversary, may you have many, many more.;):)
"So my total consumption of coumadin so far in my life totals out at 14.0635 grams!"

in my reality, that would be nearly three 5-gram hershey's kisses.

Mmmmm....Hershey's kisses...............................

And, Jim ... WOW! LOL! My head is spinning ;). AWESOME way to celebrate your 7th anniversary! CONGRATULATIONS :).

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"All of the chaos makes perfect sense" ... Joe Diffie ... 'Third Rock From The Sun'
Congratulations on your 7th valvaversary! I guess I've eaten six more months worth, so a little over a small mouse! :D Wait! Thats not Mr. Ed!:rolleyes:
OHHHH too funny Jim and can you imagine,no i don't wanna haha

not even gonna suggest it,omg thought i was gonna start carving

wooden shoes for all the tulips i planted this fall and off work now

Drs orders i think i will gather my 16 years of booklets and see what

i had for lunch,but im more interested in RCB,Gina and Karilynn to mention

afew long timers with much bigger appetites:eek::D can only imagine!!!!:p

zipper2 (DEB)
Congratulations Jim on your 7th Valvaversary!!!!
I hope to see you and Shirley in St. Louis in March.
Congratulations on 7 years...May you have as much fun while you consume the next mouseful of coumadin as the last seven years worth!

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