I ain't scared of no MRI!!!

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Bryan B

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2004
I had my MRI this morning. The worst part was that it took the nurse 3 tries to get an IV started on me. Strike one on the right hand, strike two on the left hand, and success in the left arm. They wanted it in the hand because I was lying on my stomach with my arms stretched forward. Well so much for the scary MRI...I fell asleep half-way through the procedure. I asked her why they didn't do the contrast and she said they did, but when she came in to deliver it I was sound asleep. :D

My advice is to stay up late before you get your MRI...I didn't need a sedative or anything :D. The one thing I noticed that differed from what others have said is that although I was completely "in-tube-ated" there was not a door that totally enclosed me. I think it helped to be on my stomach so I wasn't staring up at the top of the tube. I just closed my eyes and at some point dosed off from the cool breeze and constant noise.

I won't get the results for "3 working days", so I guess I won't hear anything from my surgeon until Monday or Tuesday of next week. And I don't know if it's Mom's good cooking or if it's like taking your car to the mechanic and it won't "make that sound", but I have been feeling a little better the last few days. I still have some pain after I take a walk, lift certain things, or move in certain ways...maybe I'm just getting used to living with it. If it turns out to be a wire...I STILL WANT IT OUT!!! :D
Fear the IV, not the test....

Fear the IV, not the test....

I have to get a MRI next week to thorougly check everything out - from the outside the Drs. say everything sounds great but the MRI will be the true status indicator (I am 5 weeks post-surgery). Of course I will be a little edgy that they will uncover some unpleasant surprise but I will have to stay positive.

Yes, the worst part about the MRI is the IV poke - they always seem to need to poke me 2 or 3 times to get it right - ouch! In fact I had a chest CT scan today and they didn't get the IV in right the 1st time either. You can always tell if it is not going in right because (besides the additional pain) the nurse suddenly becomes quiet then tells you to "just hold on" or something like that. I always ask them if it is in and when there is a delayed response I know that once again they have missed and will have to try again. That silence from the nurse happened today, causing me to say "you're having a problem, aren't you?" - I now fully expect it to take several tries so I was not surprised at all. For once I would like them to get it right the first time - how nice would that be!! Yet, they always tell me at first (before they try) that I have good looking veins, go figure... About 10 years ago I had 2 different nurses try to get an IV in me and they were hurting me so bad I was writhing in pain and swearing at them - it felt like they were yanking a barbed fish hook through my arm - VERY painful! Since that time I have been fearful of IVs...

I'm surprised to had your MRI while laying on your stomach - I've always been on my back. I was relaxed but not to the point of falling asleep. I could see how claustrophobic people could freak out though; luckily I have no problem w/ tight spaces (only IVs!)...

The MRI tech said that by having me lie on my stomach there would be less movement when I breathed. I guess they wanted my sternum as still as possible since that is what they were checking out. As for the IV's, the bad ones always blame it on "rolly-polly" veins. The good ones always get it on the first try. :D

Good luck with your upcoming MRI!
LOL Mike! My "rolly-polly" veins are psychosomatic...or is the nurse psychosomatic for thinking they are "rolly-polly? Hmmm...
Mike From Michigan said:
I forgot to add - the IV insertion problems are ALL IN OUR MINDS - they don't really exist!!!

Tweak, tweak...
Are you trying to make your way on to my blacklist? Just keep it up with the "All in your mind" thing. Go ahead, poke the sleeping bear, do it again, do it again. Have you awakend him yet? :D
Bryan B said:
LOL Mike! My "rolly-polly" veins are psychosomatic...or is the nurse psychosomatic for thinking they are "rolly-polly? Hmmm...
See the post above Mister! :D

By the way, I ain't afraid of no MRI, I'm afraid of the hospital where it's done! :eek:

You would have liked this place, it was about a mile from for hospital...3 or 4 trailers with an MRI in each one. You would have a chance to make a run for it if they found something bad. :D

As for the pain...stupid me for not saying knock on wood. I'm just now feeling the effects from laying on that table on my stomach for an hour and a half. :eek:


I have to share this story. When I had just started working as a RN one of the nurses who obviusly did not like male nurses. Came marching up to the desk and requested help getting a line started. While we headed back down the hall I herd her snicker. I walked in being very confident. Lying before me was a completely naked, large black man with a very disgruntled look on his face. "so your number 3... you best get the f(&*& thing in right this time". Black skin is both tuff and his veins rolled. So I used a technique I learned when I was a EMT it took about one second. "thanks man can you keep those other two ******* out of here". They had already left the room. They thought they had tripped up the new kid. WRONG!



Bryan and Mike,

Don't know if this will help you or not but if there are no restrictions before an IV date, try drinking lots of water prior to the event. I was so tired of being a pincushion that I asked a tech and that was her suggestion. It has worked for me. So, no sleep and drinking water all evening!! Might work.

Good luck to both of you!

Still waiting............. Marguerite

Unless I'm misreading you, it seems as if you have a more positive attitude these days. Definitely good news! I'm glad to know that you are doing better. I'm still sorry that we didn't get to meet when I was in Nashville a month ago...but, perhaps next year.

Good luck with the test results.

Cort, "Mr MC"/"Mr Road Trip"/"The Uniter", 30swm/pig valve/pacemaker
'72/'76/'79/'81/'87 & train & models = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
Spotting MCs = http://www.chevyasylum.com/mcspotter/main.html

I'm glad to hear your sternum is feeling a little bit better. I hope that the MRI results help get things permanently fixed up for you.

I'm a little amazed at all the Vr people who have had follow up with a CT or MRI. No one ever even suggested that to me... I'm feeling a little bit cheated!
The ones that seems to get mine on the first try "pin down" the vein so it can't roll on them.

Just a piece of advice, never ever say you are feeling better out loud...just enjoy it and keep it to yourself :D. I could barely move today from laying on the hard MRI table on my sternum for an hour and a half yesterday. :(

It's the weirdest thing, whenever I do something that aggrevates my sternum I usually don't feel the effects until hours later. I have my fingers crossed that the MRI reveals something. At this point I'd rather hear that something is wrong that can be fixed than hear that there is nothing they can do. But I'm trying to prepare myself to accept and deal with the results whatever they may be.

Ya'll have a great weekend! :)
Just wanted to give you a quick update on my MRI. My surgeon's assistant called today and asked me to come in on Monday the 2nd (his clinic day) to discuss the results of the MRI. Ahhh, nothing like a good wait to let your mind "wander"! :D

I've also had a rash on my back for over a month now. My PCP gave me Augmentin for 10 days, but that didn't touch it. When I saw my surgeon a couple of weeks ago he didn't seem too concerned, but now he wants to take another look at it. I have also had 1 or 2 "suspicious" looking lesions on my arm (very small), but don't know if they mean anything. Ever since I had the endocarditis I get really worried about any unusual skin problems. I had several janeway lesions on my arm & hand when I had endocarditis, and the infectious disease doc told me that those were indicators of bacteria in the blood. Who...me...worry? :eek:
I hope the news is good on the 2nd. The rash and lesion sounds a little iffy. Any chance of getting them to talk to you over the phone before next week?
Hi Mary,

I'm not having any of the other telling symptoms such as fever, chills, nightsweats, fatigue, chest pain (other than sternum) that I had when I was diagnosed with endocarditis in October. I'm probably worrying a bit too much about it, but anyone who has had IE before probably understands why. I spoke with my surgeon's assistant yesterday and she passed my concerns on to him...unless something happens to heighten my concerns I think I'll be ok until next week. Thanks for the well wishes! :)
Bryan I wish you were here so "Aunt Glenda" could give you a hug. :) :) You have felt bad way too long. It's time for you to get well and stay well. :)
Thanks Aunt Glenda! :)

Just being here with my parents and my pooch have lifted my spirits tremendously. It sounds like I will finally get some answers on Monday. The uncertainty (much like waiting on surgery) has been the toughest part. I'm not scared about hearing that they might have to go in and do some "tweaking". I'm more scared that they will say I have to live with the pain and I won't be able to go back to doing what I do for a living. I know in my heart (just from trying to play catch with the dog or helping my parents out around the house) that I'm currently in no condition to handle the rigors of the extensive traveling my job requires.

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