I-40, Little Rock, Arkansas

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Some say that online forums/groups/friendships are "not real". I say, BS. While it may be true that they are not as "personal" as friends you see and interact with everyday, they are, imho, still very real, especially when you meet the people on the other end of the computer screen in real life at an event or on a road trip. And, even if you never meet in person, that "bond" you share as an enthusiast or participant of whatever forum to which you belong, is undeniably there.

What brings this up?

On Monday, February 20, the wife of my parents' pastor was killed in an automobile accident. I knew her in person and have spoken with her a few times, but what caught me offguard about this tragedy was where it happened ... in Arkansas ... on Interstate 40 ... on approximately the same stretch of road that a fellow Monte Carlo owner was killed Thursday, March 29, 2001. No, I hadn't met him in person, though he and I had communicated via Email and AIM numerous times, planning to meet "some day". No, he is not the only person I've known from my various message boards/groups that has died, and the pastor's wife is not the only person I've known personally that has died, as most of you know. And, most everyone can share stories of "real life" and "board life" friends/family that have died.

But, the odd coincidence of the place, timing and circumstances of Janet's death reminded me of Donnie's death nearly 5 years ago ... and reinforced how short life is.

I'm not posting this to request thougths/prayers; instead, I'm posting this in hopes that this will remind all of us how short life is. A lot can happen in a short time, and, in some cases, a short time is all we have with each other.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker
MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
"Death tore the pages all away" ... Kenney Chesney ... 'Who You'd Be Today'
I am reminded of an advertisement for a TV show about a medical examiner. The voice over said something like, "the people I see in the morning never expected last night was their last night". The statement gave me such chills and I vowed to never take anything for granted again.

Thanks for the reminder.
Yes, life is way too short indeed. People should definately bring out the good china so to speak.......don't wait for a special occasion, as it may never occur........We make a point of using our special china a least once or twice a week. Even before i was diagnosed with BAV....
It is true that everyone's days are numbered we just don't know our number.
Thanks for sharing.

Also, Gina.........
I hear what u are saying about that comercial.......when i went to have my TEE done the porter and me were talking and he was telling me that he transports everything that moves and doesn't in that hospital. He said he takes ppl to and from surgery, for tests etc....takes corpes to the morgue, blah blah blah......and he said it is very very sad when children are sick, but the worst is when he transports someone somewhere that day, and then has to transport that same person to the morgue.........Now that is really tough, he said.

Well put.
knightfan2691 said:
A lot can happen in a short time, and, in some cases, a short time is all we have with each other.
Barb said:
bring out the good china
I resemble those remarks.

Sometimes when people ask me how I'm doing, I tell them that every day above ground is a good day. That sounds kind of morbid, but it's my reminder to live today to the fullest. It reminds me that my AVR is new lease on life, the opening of a new and wonderful chapter, that we don't know what the next page turn will bring.


This is so true and I had a huge reality check this morning. One of my true joys in life is listening to gospel music groups that I really enjoy. Less than a week before my MV surgery, I was able to attend a Gaither Homecoming concert and it really helped prepare me mentally for what I was going to have to go through. The pianist for the concerts was Anthony Burger. What an amazingly talented person! He was also an incredibly nice person. I received an email this morning letting me know that Anthony died suddenly yesterday in the middle of a concert and I was absolutely stunned. Anthony was only 44 years old.

Don't take a minute for granted. Live life to the fullest every single day.


You are all welcome for the reminder.

I know this sounds "bad", but sometimes I wish life were easier ... so I (we) could enjoy the better times with family/friends more. It just doesn't seem "fair" (yeah, I know ... life isn't fair ... let's not get onto that topic ;)) that we spend most of our time at work ... and not doing things we enjoy the most.


Perhaps this (and life in general right now) is gettin' to me more than I thought....I don't know :(.
Life is not a bed of roses, but there are ample roses to stop and smell along the way. Sometimes we have to look harder to find them, but they are there. This forum is a huge rose bush.
We love you, Cort.

We love you, Cort.

Keep smiling Cort.... it?s almost spring! :) Sunshine, longer days, green grass, flowers.... Soon you?ll be able to take ?the baby girls? out for a nice evening drive.

Probably the car wreck is responsible for your feelings.... or 'the straw that broke the camels back'. It'll get better, hang in there. I'm sending you lots of positive vibes from CO.

We need to get a northern Ohio meeting scheduled. Maybe we all need a bit of good cheer.

What do you say, all you folks near northern Ohio. Maybe we could make Toledo a hopping town for one weekend?

Yes, this forum is a HUGE rose bush ... very well written!


Ah, yes ... spring! I cannot wait ... it sure will be nice to get the older 4 MCs out again :).

I sure appreciate the positive vibes from Colorado!

And, yeah, it'll get better ... I'm just tired of not feeling well (abdominal pains, job, etc.). It feels as if the more I work to get better (including a new job), the harder it gets ... and the farther away I get from my goals....


I can't really put how I'm feeling into words :(.


That is an absolutely wonderful idea...!!!!

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