Hubby back in a-fib. *sigh*

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Hang in there. Don’t borrow trouble worrying about tests and notes. Personally I did not look at any of my labs or tests while in hospital. Hubs reviewed and tons of stuff was out of range / sketchy but we both think, we don’t know how to interpret this in these specific circumstances. Hubs always says, he decides if he thinks the doctor is good, then he asks “do they look worried.” And let them call the shots. Trying to rule out stopping warfarin is madness.

If being home is his top priority, he could have skipped this whole project and just died on his couch in a year or whatever - but he’d be home ….. he wants to be home and HEALTHY. My heart really does break for him that it’s taking so long but he doesn’t have much choice. Can you imagine a too early discharge and the havoc and danger that would cause. Better a day late than a day too early.

Take care of yourself as best you can. My FIL is a very cantankerous patient who always wants out and it’s rough on the the family. Many a time have I said “Pop you’re gonna stay here till you’re safe to go home. And I’m getting myself some coffee.”

You guys are in my prayers.
Yeah, I can't really interpret them either, which is how I ended up in the rabbit hole reading studies specifically related to what having those numbers after valve replacement mean. LOL :p That's what I did with all his echo reports prior to surgery which is why I knew he was getting surgery two months before the doctor told us officially. Now I'm in the post-surgery anemia rabbit hole, but most of the studies refer to pre-surgery anemia. ;)
Glad you're home! Are you making sure he gets plenty of iron, preferably through his diet and not pills, as they can cause constipation? I had a single unit transfused during surgery and was still anemic when I left the hospital. Spinach, beef, salmon, beans, almonds, oats, and more will help with anemia. It takes some time to build back red cells.
He did have a platelet transfusion during surgery. I'm sure they got his blood test results by now from us going in this morning and that no call means we are holding steady or trending up for the anemia. I hope. LOL