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I don't know if any of us are not being 'straight.' Recovery is an individual process. 100% for one person may be considerably less for another.

These are individual results and, of course, your mileage may vary.

There's a range of results for these surgeries - and not reporting results that you want to hear doesn't mean that we're not being 'straight.
I don't know if any of us are not being 'straight.'
that's vexing ... but I'll agree that everyone is saying what they believe.
Allow me to alter what you said into what I do see on this forum
and not reporting results that you don't want to hear doesn't mean that the person thinks they are not being 'straight.
What I meant is that I'm afraid it's too easy to just feel happy surviving the surgery and almost innocently forget about the remaining nuisances related to health. Also, I guess it's in the american mentality to downplay personal problems in public. :)
Ok it's a 6 hour drive not 600 miles, I misspoke when I said that, but it's an impossible trip to make all the time. It's hard enough driving 2 hours (each way) to get my INR checked every 3 weeks, I thank YHWH it stabilized and I don't have to go twice a week anymore. They prescribed me a home testing unit but nobody in our area can get it for us, any suggestions? We've checked all the pharmacies and a medical supply place called reliance medical, they said they could get it but then changed their minds. We call them "don't rely on us" medical now lol.

Yeah, it's a pressure feeling whenever I hunch over or bend over for any reason, but no issues laying on my back or stomach. Today was rough at work, picking up large rocks to get them out of the road as we closed the trench. And before anyone asks, I'm the youngest person on the crew and nobody wants to apply for my job. And even if they did, they wouldn't be any good at it. Kids these days.

I'm looking at my documentation and it says "bicuspid aortic valve with severe AI and with 6 cm thoracic aortic aneurysm with type A aortic dissection with Debakey I extend s/p peninsula style aortic root replacement" and "27-29 On-X mechanical composite graft with reimplantation of coronary buttons and replacement of ascending aorta and peninsula style transverse arch replacement." I don't know what half of that means.
I'm now buying strips from They also have meters.

If you give them your email address, they'll send you a discount code (I think it's Savewithreliaston). You shouldn't have any problem getting a meter from them - there's also selfcaredepot that some on the forum mentioned.
I'm now buying strips from They also have meters.

If you give them your email address, they'll send you a discount code (I think it's Savewithreliaston). You shouldn't have any problem getting a meter from them - there's also selfcaredepot that some on the forum mentioned.
Do they accept insurance?
I've ordered from Reliaston and can vouch that they are good, but I don't think they are covered by insurance since it's a third-party retailer and I'm pretty sure the supplies they sell come from Canada (where INR tests and machines can be sold directly to consumers).
I get my INR testing supplies from Acelis Connected Health. They also have meters and take my insurance.
I would think you wouldn’t have pain at this point and should feel pretty good.
But I got my first valve and Dacron graft at 34 so I bounced back well. My ascending aorta waited to fall apart when my surgeon got in there and wanted to slice it and insert the graft, but it fell apart so he cut it out and did the graft without the aorta to wrap it. I had the valve and graft redone at 54 after endocarditis but I recovered well then, too.

its hard for me to grasp this
It's hard enough driving 2 hours (each way) to get my INR checked every 3 weeks,
does "insurance" cover your drive?

Seems like (insert expletive here) bad economy. Back when I started self testing I had it covered for free by our Government Health (Australia), but I chose to buy my own strips and self manage my INR because:
  • being late for work just wasn't going to fly in my view
  • I wanted to do it when I wanted to do it (which was on weekends)
  • the cost worked out to be less than $5 per test (present cost is AU$6.25) so what the hell was I even worried about on weekly testing?
  • from what I read here peoples co-pay is sometimes more than I pay!
as a bonus self testing has helped me understand what and why and learn about it. Its like owning and driving a car VS taking an uber everywhere.

On this:
Today was rough at work, picking up large rocks to get them out of the road as we closed the trench. And before anyone asks

I think you need to stop thinking about proving yourself as being tough and realise that you are
  1. no longer young
  2. survivor of what would (and nearly did) kill you
  3. have clear evidence that you aren't like you thought you were
I have an old (over 70) rancher friend, he always looks for (his words): "young guys with strong backs and weak brains" to hire as roustabouts. So what I'm saying is "why not try to do something else?" (especially because as you've said "its killing you").

If you want to learn how to self test I can show you ("teach a man to fish") ... its not hard (fishing is harder).

For instance, this is about self testing (to demystify it):

Best Wishes
I'm not worried about how to self test, it's about how to afford the machine and the strips, which I have been prescribed and insurance will cover if we can find a supplier. I'll look at the companies everyone suggested after work today, thanks everyone. About trying a different line of work, I can't. I'm one of 3 people who keep the water flowing to my town, and there isn't another job around here that would pay enough for me to afford my mortgage. I'd be taking a 30-50% pay cut doing anything else. It's not that difficult every day, just some days. If I had a bigger following, we could make money doing comedy videos on YouTube. Plus I have steak seasoning for sale but that's just getting started. Eventually everyone will realize it's the best you can buy, but that takes time.
When I did self dosing, I found that the supplies cost more through using my insurance, so I bought strips where they were the best price, usually eBay. I already had the meter. After my endocarditis and brain bleed my cardiologist and surgeon wanted me to deal with the Coumadin clinic where I lived. When I was eligible for Medicare, I went back to Acelis to get supplies and now pay nothing. I do have to report to the Coumadin pharmacist here , but only talk to her on zoom every few months unless I’m out of range, then she calls or sends a message. She will take my thoughts into consideration when it comes to dosing. She says many of her patients are not compliant and she’s happy to talk to me because I’m meticulous about testing.

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