It's in an earlier message. I'll try to find it and will post it here.
It's in an earlier message. I'll try to find it and will post it here.
Thanks for reminding me about the interactions between turmeric and warfarin. I didn't check, and didn't take any.WARFARIN interferes with TUMERIC, do not take if if you are on the Pill, 100% BAD interaction
Magnesium is VERY GOOD for humans, since our diets tend to be full/packed with Sodium, which is everywhere you look becuase
is added to "enhance" acquired taste.
The study that I provided a link to was:
Unfortunately, this was not peer reviewed and, apparently, the author(s) paid to have this published.
There are also links to articles related to warfarin and interactions.
Use at your own risk....
Incidentally, I have been running high lately (hovering around 3.0-3.5) so I have been testing every other day just to keep a lookout, but, I’m going through strips like crazy! Just wondering if I would do just as well testing twice per week?
Any dose change takes 2 to 4 day ish to show
testing every day may give you some peace of mind but its not the best way to show a trend
twice a week is better, ( still excessive ) until you're back on target then once per week is optimal
Your high is my comfort zone and i'm in the Aortic position
I see you're in the Mitral from your Bio, i wouldn't consider that to be high
Some green stuff will change your INR overnight -- I used to occasionally have greens, and noticed the drop in INR pretty quickly. Some things may not act as quickly.
I agree - twice a week is probably not a bad place to start. Warfarin takes 3-5 days, or so, for its effects to show.
Interesting piece. I noted that garlic was a major interactive risk w. warfarin. I have been taking garlic pills to help lower cholesterol—which was wayyy too high a few months back. Have not noticed a major change in my INR though.
When they say that a given herb “interacts” w. warfarin I assume they mean that it can alter your INR (?). If that’s truly the nature of the warning couldn’t that be monitored by checking a INR a few days after starting the new herb? Or, is there an increased chance of an incident even if you’re in range?
Incidentally, I have been running high lately (hovering around 3.0-3.5) so I have been testing every other day just to keep a lookout, but, I’m going through strips like crazy! Just wondering if I would do just as well testing twice per week?
Pellicle, if you wouldn’t mind reposting that clip of your rubber band methodology I would greatly appreciate it. Have been having to lance my fingers sometimes 2 & 3 times just to get a big enough drop of blood (I know about the 15 second rule).
Maybe if you ate the pot - rather than smoking it, there would be some effects. Maybe that's what the author meant (and there are a lot of edibles out there that contain marijuana).
It's not just moderation in diet that's important-- it's consistency. If you eat a lot of greens, you should do it daily so you can adjust your dosage to compensate for any drop in INR as a result of eating the greens.
If you regularly drink Cranberry juice, you've probably already adjusted your dosage to accommodate for any effects that you're having from the juice.