Hello, I will be joining the coumadin club soon. How often do you test your INR? Thanks everyone!
When i was on warfarin, and i had an INR tsting machine at at home, depending of how my level was depended on how often i tested it, as instructed by by heamatologist & cardiac liason nurses...if my level was ok i would test on a monday for the week, then on a friday for the week end, but if my level wasn't right, which seemed to be the case nearly all of the time, i would test every other day,
Good luck with it xxx
If you were changing your dose every other day, it's NO Wonder your INR was Never Right!
It would appear that your anticoagulation managers do NOT understand how Coumadin / Warfarin works
and do NOT know how to manage it properly. I suspect their training is Way Out of Date.
The New Guidelines in use in the USA work quite well for most patients.
Coumadin / Warfarin takes 3 or 4 days to become fully metabolized.
If you change your dosing 2 days after your last change,
that change is NOT fully accounted for in your next change.
If you change again after another 2 days, your changes are 'stacking up'
and you will Bounce Around FOREVER until you stop changing doses so often.
When you change your dosing, most Clinics wait 2 Weeks before testing again.
Home Testers whose INR is 'moving around' typically test ONCE per week,
then every 2 to 4 weeks when stable.
Noooo....i would test my INR every other day BUT my dosage would NOT fluxuate (i think thats how u spell it lol) what ever dose i was on, i would be on it at least 3/4 day's before it changed, and if it was changed it would only decrease/increase .5/1/1.5mg each time....
To be honest my heamatologist and cardiolgist and nurses ect are fantastic and im sure they DO know everything they need to know about anticoagulation, my heamatologist and cardiologist are one of the top in the country, so they must have had the right training.....
The plan was to test once a week/month ect but i was never stable anough to get onto that, so they where ensuring my saftey by checking the INR, because if one day my INR was 2.4 and i was on 5mg of warfarin then the next day it was 7.2 and i didn't check it, it could have proved particualary dangerous for me when moving about around a school of 1800 people......There was at one point my INR hit 6.8 and they stopped warfarin for 2 days, and instead of going down it went up to 7.1, so non again and this carried on, i.e. increasing with having NO warfarin, hence the reason i was testing every other day, at the time though they admitted me in hospital becuase it was out of control.
Warfarin and me just don't get on, thats the conclusion EVERYONE came to, my two heamatologists, my cardiologist, cardiac liason nurses, GP, parents and ME, so now im on heparin injections full time and there great xx
Do you mean that your DAILY dose is changed by 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5?
or do you mean that your WEEKLY dose is changed by 0.5 / 1.0 / 1.5?
Even changing every 3 or 4 days is TOO SOON IMO.
FWIW, when I am slightly out of range, a 1 mg change in my WEEKLY dose brings me right back where I need to be.
Most likely, changing by 1 mg / DAY or even 0.5 mg/DAY would swing me out the opposite side.
I also eat something Green (i.e. Vitamin K) daily.
Studies have Proven that a consistent level of Vitamin K intake results in a More Stable INR than trying to completely avoid any vitamin K.
NO vitamin K is like walking into a Dark Room.
Then consuming ANY vitamin K is like turning on a light.
HUGE Difference.
Consistent Vitamin K is like walking into a room with a 50 watt light turned on.
Consuming More Vitamin K would be like changing from a 50 watt light to a 100 watt light.
SMALL Difference.
But like i have said thankfully i don't have this bother any more,
Im on heprin which means 1 injection each day and a factor 10 blood test every few weeks, thats working for me so im happy lol, i've gave up my fight when it comes to warfarin lmao xxx
Do you mean an Injection of Low Molecular Weight Heparin (a.k.a. Lovenox)?
In the USA, Lovenox injections are prescribed for TWICE a day (i.e. every 12 hours)
because it has a Very Short Half Life.
List Price for a single Lovenox injection at my Pharmacy is $107.00 U.S.
Generic Warfarin costs $4 for 30 tablets or $10 for 90 tablets (roughly 11 cents per pill)
Yes, I have heard that there are some patients who have difficulty reaching a stable INR but that is pretty RARE when they are managed by Knowledgable and Experienced anticoagulation managers. Did anyone ever come up with an explanation for your Very Unusual experience with Coumadin ?
The Most Common Reason for Unstable INR with patients in this country
is Poor Management by a Poorly Trained or Out of Date Manager.
The Certified Registered Nurse Practicioneers (CRNP) at my Coumadin Clinic are EXCELLENT.