How much ??

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Ross, maybe that cranberry alert was from people who were literally gorging themselves on the stuff.??
Who knows.....the world can be a crazy place. :)

Well look at what Al's site says and what he's found. I mean come on, if you suddenly start drinking a gallon a day of cranberry juice, then what do you expect? It's like sitting down and eating a couple cans of spinich and then wondering why you suddenly had a change in your INR. Stupidty!
Thanks for clearing that up for me Bina and thanks Ross for the Cranberry stuff which make a mockery of my official NHS living with Warfarin booklet !?
Yours confused, tired and going to bed,
CoaguChek S machine

CoaguChek S machine

Woodbutcher -- I called Roche UK and bought a CoaguChek S over the phone, delivered to me the very next day in the UK at a cost of around $600USD. That was in 2002, so maybe cheaper now?!?! And the new XS is out now.


For more product or support information, or if you wish to proceed and purchase a CoaguChek XS system please call our CoaguChek Careline free on:

0808 100 7666
