How much time off work?

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My wife had to go back to work right away, but my parents came and stayed with me for about two weeks. At that point a person should be able to do simple tasks around the house such as make lunch, shower, etc. To be honest, I probably only really needed help for about 3-4 days after leaving the hospital, but everyone is different.
Good luck! My husband is scheduled for next Monday the 28th. I plan on taking off Monday and Tues and sqeezing in 16 hours over the rest of the week. The convenience I have is my job is 5 minutes from the hospital so even 1/2 hour here and 1/2 hour there can keep my job moving. Then we anticipate (hopefully! :) he will be home on th weekend. Then I have a worked it out to do 1/2 days the next week. I figure if I have a friend come over in the morning while everyone is sleeping then I can be home for lunch and the rest of the day. I am very thankful that I have friends and family that can help not so much with my husband but with the kids. Do you have any kids??? You brought up and interesting comment, you are a teacher. You would be surprised how many ladies/ moms from school would love the opportunity to help. Even if it ment dropping by with breakfast after they drop their kids off at school just to check in on him and ease your mind. Think about it and don't be afraid to ask, the last thing you need is more stress right now!!!!
Good luck and keep us all posted!
Good luck with all this! We traveled for the surgery and my husband took off 2 weeks- or at least thought he did! When he went back to work on week 3 he found out that he had marked out that week also, assuming I would have complications......:D. Our daughter came down from Baltimore for 2 weeks to help with general things, but I could have managed on my own if I had had to: it was nice to have the company!
To answer one question, yes, we have a 7 year old daughter. If surgery happens once she is back to school then it will have, hopefully, less impact on her everyday life. She doesn't know anything yet, we are waiting for an exact date. My husband goes in for the cardiac cath next week. What I find the most frustrating is not having any idea what happens next. How long until we have a surgery date, what other tests are needed, when will we meet with the surgeon...? He is supposed to travel for work in two weeks out west for 7 days and I wonder if that is a good idea. Anyway, I worry enough for the both of us.
hello,my name is rebekah io had redo right ventricular ouflow tract and pulmonary band replacement in august last year. i was off work a year but i complications after two weeks of surgery.
It is natural to worry enough for both of you, afterall that is our job when being a wife and a mother. I can totally understand the not knowing. We went through that and you feel helpless. I don't know the severity of the situation that would depend on how fast they move. When I started this 6 weeks ago it was all new to me. Didn't know anyone who had this done and felt in the dark myself. Believe these 6 weeks moved fast. Sometimes I wish I could just put the brakes on and savor the moment and then I go from a smile to a tear in .01 seconds. This sight has been a lifesend and given me a chance to open up and talk about things that concern me and things I don't want to stress my hubby about (he has enough on his mind). Ask questions be open and savor the advice you are given. there are a lot of knowledgable, caring people here. I have seen that and have only been around a short time. As far as your 7 year old, we kinda laid the ground work with our kids 17-17-13-5,(big variation) but not until this last week did they know an exact date. We told them about it but waited on telling them a date. You would be surprised how kids can sense stuff. Even our 5 year old has the concept that daddy is sick. His arms was hurt (pick line) so he couldn't swim Now his leg is hurt (angio gram, bad bad bad brusing) and soon his heart will be fixed and he will be a little sore. Don't underestimate them, sometimes their naivity and the way they look at things sends us a smile. good luck and do keep in touch! Don't forget to ask your daughters friends moms for some assitance if you need it :)
When I had surgery, my husband took off 6 days (the week of my surgery + the following Monday, when I left the hospital and went to my parents' home to recuperate for another 2 weeks).
I was off work for 7 weeks and went back half-time or 4 weeks.

When John had surgery last year, I took off 1 week. He had a minimally invasive repair on a Thursday and should have been able to leave on Monday or Tuesday. However, he developed an arrhythmia in the hospital and it kept him there until 1 week post-op. He went home on Thursday and I went back to work on Friday.
He was off 7-8 weeks, mostly because he had tons of sick time built up.

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