How many MET/Watt before first ski?

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11mo ago I had a MI on the slopes on 27th ski day for year.

I'm now badly LV damaged, unblocked, new valved and really stable in last 6 week since electro-cardioversion to eliminate atrial-flutter that had me in right side failure.

I wanna go skiing, if even for an hour on greens
I'll not be emotionally crushed if I find hard limits but will take huge boost if I could slide the easy blues and get down the couple bad spots.

I do 3.5MET / 80 watt on machines at rehab without hard limit or penalty and moving up 7% every week.

Who thinks I'm crazy and who thinks go for it?
Dave, if you're at 3.5 METS at rehab, it sounds like skiing would be unknown territory at this point. If I were you, I'd want to do 9-10 METS in the lab without any ill effects before I'd think about it. IMO, ski slope would be a bad choice for a place to discover that your heart can't handle the workload.

Just my $0.02
You're not crazy,you just want to do the thing you love. HOWEVER; I believe skiing requires proficiency at 6-9 METS depending on your intensity. I say wait until you can do that with ease under controlled circumstances. Be patient and you can have it all;impatience can have you lose it all.
PS The snow conditions suck this year anyway
Sorry, things are pretty busy.
I did go stomping around in 18in new snow and handled it great considering the work that is and thin air. Of course I got winded but I dare anyone to say they wouldn't also, maybe at a faster pace but everyone gets winded trudging thru snow

I have LV damage from MI, I may never see 9MET, if I do then I'm back into many games. If I could get 9MET on all the pace/rate crap I'm on now I'd be as strong as ever once off.

I'm done with a upper res fluids cold and moving up quick on MET though I may be approaching a plattue, 2 week later now easilly sustaining 4.7 from 3.5 for 30-40min

I'm going skiing when opportunity present itself, with expecation that I may only get 1-2 runs and have fought limits and hill the whole way but I'll have done it. Not this week as new snow is 5 MET all in itself and I'd rate sliding down well groomed blues at steady pace maybe 3-4. Also not at anyplace with long ass walk in boots w/ gear either, thus escape route is assured with minimal 10MET bursts.

I'm in the camp that says hard cross country and snow shoes are 10+ and sliding down a slightly bumpy hill can't be all that difficult. It's more of a strain on muscles that haven't been used in a year and lots of jarring of bumps straining/micro-tearing muscles.

thanks all
I'll post when I get back
Sincere best wishes for an enjoyable outing, Dave. Let us know how it went.
I lack the expertise to comment on the technical questions but can say with certainty that you should feel guilty for getting in 27 days +. I'm jealous!!