How long before I can drive my car ?

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2011
New Jersey, USA
I am hearing several opinions on this topic. I am 4 weeks post-op. Although my surgeon said I could drive after 3 weeks post-op, I am hesitant to get behind the wheel until I hear from others on this forum. Any recommendations re. when it would be absolutely safe to drive ?
Thanks folks.
I found that I could safely without discomfort turn the steering wheel (even with power steering) at about 4 weeks, but my cardio said wait til 6 weeks. It wasn't a problem since I was lucky and family to drive me around.
I was told to wait at 6 wks, but had to drive at 4 wks due to a small family issue. Personally I found that the seat belt was irritating, shoulder checking was troublesome and I felt every little crack and bump in the road.

As a retired driver ed instructor, if you feel hesitant now wait until you have more confidence with yourself. Even if you wait 6 wks, you probably will still feel a little less hesitant.

You have to do what feels right for you. Try going around the block and see how it feels.

Good Luck
It was about 7 weeks for me my first OHS but my second surgery, four years later, my cardio cleared me to drive after barely 3 weeks. The first time, I knew I wasn't ready and though I had permission at 6 weeks, I didn't want to drive. The second time, I felt I could drive at 2 1/2 weeks post op and did so as soon as cardio gave permission at 3 weeks. Common sense kept me from driving on major highways but I was able to do my local errands and drive the familiar streets near my home.
We are probably all in the same ball park. My surgeon told me that I could probably drive at five weeks but when I saw him 4 weeks after surgery (the end of my 3rd week at home) he said I could drive but suggested that I wait a few weeks before driving long distances. I found that driving was no problem except for the shoulder strap which irritated my chest. A friend made me a cylinder shaped pillow about 5" wide/10" long stuffed with very soft filling which did a great job holding the strap away from my chest. Two years later, I still keep the pillow in the car because once in a while for a day or two the irritation returns and I put the pillow back into service.

Another of us in "the same ballpark." My surgeon cleared me to drive at 4 weeks post-op, but I didn't need to until about 5 or 5.5 weeks (family members wanted to take me wherever I needed to go). Big car with power everything, so I never had a problem - even with backing the car down a 120-foot long driveway.
Hey there! My doctor told me 6 weeks and yesterday it was i was so excited and drove. After that little drive was sore that night on the my speed bump area. So take it easy...still sore today from it as well.
One thing to keep in mind is that if we drive before our doctor has cleared us and we have an accident, it is possible insurance could refuse to pay.
I think I was told no driving for 6 weeks -- it''s been 6 years, so I'm not sure. But I do remember being told it was very important not to drive until the sternum has fully healed. Otherwise, an accident could have very unpleasant consequences. So I would not be in a big hurry to resume driving.
My doc said six weeks, and I stuck to that advice. I am guessing that most do not stick to this, as when I went back for my six week checkup and asked if I could drive now, she looked at me kind of surprised and said "Oh, you're not driving yet? Yes, go ahead!"

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