Welcome home!!! Backache or not...there's no place like home. You know that
you made it!!!!!!!! 
Good job!
I don't remember specifically what felt worse for me; mostly just that hit by a train feeling. Being someone who doesn't like a lot of help, I wanted to figure out the best way possible for me to get myself around. My bed is high and I have long legs, so scootching in and out was not terribly problematic. But I know that I sat up in bed for months. I did this by gathering every possible pillow (or send someone to Costco to buy 4!!) and just scrunching and fluffing them all around me. Mostly, I found, that under my forearms really helped. As if I were sitting in a chair. Eventually I moved to the recliner we had bought for my recovery. No bells and whistles, just whatever Lazy-Boy had had on sale. Still, when I was sitting in that, I would have 2 pillows in my lap to kind of keep my arms, well, almost in a sling-like mode, I guess. I did a lot of sleeping. Whenever I felt tired, I went to bed or to the recliner. If that meant I was up in the middle of the night, I just got online to visit my friends here!!
I also really enjoyed the pain pills and figured, why not use them. After awhile, I asked my GP about switching to Extra Strength Arthritis formula Tylenol. That was not enough at first, so I calculated the tylenol amounts, again checked with my GP, and did some kind of Rx and Tylenol mix for a few weeks. That was lovely! I used such a miniscule amount of the Rx that the doctor laughed at me, but there was something about whatever was in that that just gave me that extra comfort.
Quite probably, you will finally find some recipe of comfort that works for you and then suddenly realize you have recovered enough not to even need it anymore!!!
Best wishes to you, and congratulations!