How do you all deal with pain?

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bvdr Supporter
Supporting Member
Mar 13, 2003
Pinehurst, NC
I've been really been struggling with a lot of pain lately and I was thinking of ways to distract oneself from it. What do you all do when you are in the same position? I've been taking Tramadol and sometimes muscle relaxers at bedtime. I'm on so many pills that I really don't like to add things to the mix and especially anything narcotic. I'm already on Nortriptyline 50 mg at night for the neuropathy in my legs. I mean, I would like to have at least a fighting chance of waking up again in the morning....;)

I'm really having a time with my neck and my shoulder(cervical foraminal stenosis). My orthopedic surgeon said it was time to see my neurosurgeon who ordered a root sleeve cervical epidural at the Pain Clinic with my anticoagulation to be handled by my PMD. Well it is still no further towards scheduling than it was a month ago. No agreement has been reached between the docs. I am so frustrated and sleep deprived, since it is worse at night, that I'm afraid of developing an attitude. My husband has an IPOD and I think I'll listen to the music of beautiful hymns and gospel music through his special earphones that block out all other sounds tonight.

Any ideas you have will be highly appreciated. This should eventually get better and I'll not worry that it might not but in the meantime......

Thanks a bunch!

I am luckier than you because I have flare-ups of pain rather than constant from my fibromyalgia. I do not like to take pain meds because I do not like the way they make me feel but sometimes things get too bad. I take Darvocet as long as it works and then Percocet. However, my flare-ups only last about a week and then I have a couple weeks of pain that can be controlled with Tylenol.

I also use biofeedback which reduces the amount of pain meds I need. It also helps me to sleep. I have Ambien on hand but I rarely take it because, again, I don't like that "sinking" feeling.

I think the music will help you but I highly recommend biofeedback as it has really helped me. It also helps with migraines.
Pain & sleep:

Pain & sleep:

My mother is 76 years old, and suffers from MS and other problems that cause a lot of pain. I got her an ipod, and it is her most valued possession. I own & listen to a lot of music. I filled most of her ipod with the music of Fernando Ortega. He is my favorite Christian artist-by far. I can't recommend him highly enough-and anything you choose will be good.

If you try it, let me know what you think.
Gina, I've been giving some thought to trying bio-feedback and have heard a lot of good things about it. I've got some Percocet in the house but I hate to use the stuff unless I'm in extreme pain.

Dennis, Tom (my husband) is on his computer as we speak going to the IPOD music store to try to find Fernando Ortega. I will let you know. Thanks.
I couldn't recommend anything except even more heavy duty stuff like Duragesic patches. Not a good thing.
After reading your post, I certainly don't have any ideas or suggestions. I just feel bad for you and anyone else that is constant pain or almost constant. I've been having a bad week and I hope it's just the touch of the flu and I just popped two aleve because I'm hurting almost everywhere and that usually does it for me.
I really have bad shoulder and arm problems from sleeping on one side so much. With the atrial fibrillation I cannot sleep any way but on my left side
My husband sometimes just gives me a good rub down after I take a tylenol and it helps more than the pain pillls. At least it is relaxing and helps me to go to sleep.
Betty, just wanted to say that you're in my prayers. I'm sure you are highly frustrated, on top of the pain.

The iPod sounds worth a try.
bvdr said:
Gina, I've been giving some thought to trying bio-feedback and have heard a lot of good things about it. I've got some Percocet in the house but I hate to use the stuff unless I'm in extreme pain.

Dennis, Tom (my husband) is on his computer as we speak going to the IPOD music store to try to find Fernando Ortega. I will let you know. Thanks.


I think you know about my epidurals and back surgery. They really messed me up some how during this OHS ordeal I went thru. After months of 2 different chiro's and backsurgery, I finally gave up and found a Pain Management Neurologist that has been a Godsend.

My difficulty was neurapathy in my feet along with a severly numb left thigh that hurt like the dickens. I could not walk around the house without some cushion on my feet and at night when I laid down it was the worse. I kinow exactly where you are coming from.

My Doctor has me on 600mg of Lyrica per day and I take 10mg of oxycodone every 4-6 hours. Supposedly the Lyrica will be enuff and I can stop the oxy. I will tell you tho I am pain free. I can do most anything I want with no pain. Going to bed at night is now a pleasure again.
Betty I wrote this in the hope that you can find someone like I found so that you can have a pain free day. Feel free to IM me if I can be of any help.
Hi Betty -

Regarding pain, I was thinking of a couple of things:

1) Tiger Balm (Can you use that while on Coumadin? My mom swears by it for her RA and Fibromyalgia.)

2) Acupuncture

Hoping you find some healthy relief. You must have your sleep for optimal health.
First off you have my sympathies. Living in pain is an oxymoron isn't it. I have been dealing with chronic pain for many years. I have tried the pain meds, the pain patches and the pain clinic. We have done nerve blocks and radio frequency ablations where they drilled a hole in my spine to get to the main nerve center. I did not do well with the different meds since rather than living in a pain fog you live in a med fog. The pain clinic helped but the nerves would re-generate and you are going through a emotional roller coaster. I still have pain all the time but now it is not covered up by meds or procedures it is at a level where I know it is there and have accepted it and as long as it does not get one bit worse I can handle the level. I think I have done it by acceptance and once in awhile a Darvocet. The pain has been much worse and much better and I finally found a level to live with. I have also used the earphones and a hot bath and then focusing on relaxing every part of my body. I think it is much like the biofeedback. I bet you would do well with that since it feels like you are getting a strong hold on the pain. I hope you can sleep tonight.
Hi Betty, I don't have the type of pain that you describe but seem to have more than my share between plantar fasciitis, trigger fingers, carpal tunnel and de Quervains, knees and shoulders....gee, is there some part of me that doesn't hurt? ;)

I have found that massage therapy can help reduce the pain to more bearable levels....and PT has also helped for specific areas such as de quervains.

Warm baths also seem to help...a whirlpool being even better. YMCA's or YWCA's sometimes have whirlpools available.

I think the music (ipod) is a great idea, but you might also want to try and find a massage therapist who specializes in pain relief to see if it helps at all.

Hope you feel better soon and can sleep.

Take care,
Re: Tramadol

It just BARELY controlled the 'background' pain from from Blood Pressure Cuff Bruising event, and wore off after 6 Hours (but was Rx'ed for every 8 hours). I would supplement with Arthritis Strength Tylenol to tide me over until the my 8 hours were up.

At night, it was NOT enough to keep the joint / muscle pain from waking me up every 2 or 3 hours.

If you find something that works, LET US KNOW !

'AL Capshaw'
Hi Betty.......

Hi Betty.......

*HI Betty, Im so sorry to see that you are having such a bad time. The weird thing is you have been on my mind for some time now (to the point where I posted asking did anyone know if you were ok).
Being deprived of sleep is absolutely awful and makes coping with stuff during the day even more difficult. The only thing I can think of outside of pain meds is ACUPUNCTURE..Iv heard great things about it and know people who have had good results with it. Some people experience instant relief. Very best wishes, Jacqui.
Sorry to hear your having these problems.

I still have a fair amount of muscular pain, especially the shoulders and back. My incision also bothers me some days. All this seems to come and go with the weather. I don't take any meds, though (maybe the occasional Extra Strength Tylonol). We have one of those massaging heating pads that form fits over our recliner. I found 20 minutes on that quite soothing. We also have one of the jet bath tubs which is also soothing. We actually got both of those a few years ago as my wife was having back problems after a car accident. Not a cure but does help relax the tension.
My surgery sister! So sorry to hear you are in all kinds of pain and experiencing all kinds of frustration!

Have you considered an anti-inflammatory diet, trying to minimize your pain from the inside out? I just started a macro-biotic diet, a very anti-inflammatory, grain-based diet. One of the first things I noticed was a reduction of joint pain, better flexibility, and overall reduction of inflammatory responses. If you want to look into macro, there is a great book called "The Hip Chick's Guide to Macrobiotics."

There are certain foods that are considered to be inflammatory, and others that are considered to be anti-inflammatory. Dairy products, in particular, can be very inflammatory when it comes to joints and such, so if you didn't want to go whole-hog, you could cut down on the dairy.
You might check into it and see what adjustments might be feasible for your lifestyle.

For more info, you can search Google on 'Anti-inflammatory diet':

Can the Foods You Eat Make a Difference in Chronic Pain?
knightfan2691 said:
Dearest Betty,

I have a feeling my solutions would not interest you all that much ;). He he he.

BUT, please know that thoughts/prayers are coming your way.....

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
chdQB =
"Something's wrong in the world today" ... Aerosmith ... 'Living On The Edge'

Careful Cort;)


I too dislike narcotic pain killers. The music idea may help. If you are a spiritual person...and I think you are, meditation on songs and such may very well help. There have been many studies that indicate such activity helps when other things don't.

Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Thank-you everyone. The music was somewhat successful last night. You all have given me some other good ideas as well. Melissa, I'm even going to look into inflammatory food items since that is something I have not tried. Randy, it sounds so strange that a numb area could "hurt like the dickens" but with nerve pain that sure does happen. I have not heard of Lyrica but I'll read up on that too. Thanks again everyone.
Betty,I have been dealing with pain for years (I have a spinal stimulator implanted that is now broke ) so I really know how frustrating pain is. there is a really good site tha has alot of info, there also is a foru, that the majority of people seem to have a stim or pump there is alot of good info on alt pain elp both on the site and the forum. also i don't know what meds you are on but could some of them be making the pain worse? i didn't realize it until the last couple weeks but even meds for lowerring cholestrerol, can have a side effect of worse back pain. I hope you can get help. Lyn

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