How do recoveries compare?

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Jun 11, 2009
Houghton, MI
Hello everyone,

I have what I hope to be a pretty easy question regarding recovery time. I'm having an ascending aortic aneurysm repaired at the end of August and I'm curious about what the average recovery time is for this procedure.

I'm not new to open-heart surgery, I had the Ross Procedure performed when I was 14 (about 10 years ago) and developed the aneurysm pretty recently. When I had the Ross Procedure I was trying out for my high school basketball team four months later.

I'm expecting a little slower recovery since I'm older now and this isn't my first open-heart procedure, but on average should the recovery time line be similar to the one from the last surgery?

Thanks in advance for any help and I'd just like to say that I'm really happy I found this website. I've been reading old posts and have found a lot of helpful information. I feel much more informed and knowledgeable when I talk to my doctors and I ask more pertinent questions than ever before.
I think you haven't gotten any responses, because each person is different and each surgery in 1 person can be quite different. And there aren't alot of people here who have had multiple surgeries. IF all goes well and no complications I would think the recovery when you were 14 year old and 24 yo would be pretty close. Each surgery from the surgeons job can be a little trickier, but in Justin's experience's his recoveryies from his surgeries at 10,17 and 19 were pretty close (until he got the infection in his sternum his last surgery) His surgeries as a baby and toddler were more extensive and the over all field has really improved in the 21 years, but in the last 10 years the main differences I see are sometimes smaller incisions and a little less time in the hospital.
All of this is assuming you are going to a surgeon /center that specializes in CHDs or adults with CHD and have alot of experience working on patients who have REDOs or multiple Redos.
Hello Marcus and welcome.
I think that for you, a second surgery (without complications), could have a somewhat similar recovery as your first. You are still young and hopefully in decent condition healthwise; not smoking, not too overweight, etc.
Too many variables to answer specifically, but all things being equal, the recovery times should be similar.
If all goes well, 5 to 10 days in hospital, then of course, months afterwards. You were old enough to remember last time around, so this shouldn't be that much different.
I found my second OHS was easier on me than my first, which was four years prior. I was stronger faster and driving sooner. Everyone is different and each surgery is different for each person.
Just want to say Welcome and happy you found us.
Hi and welcome! You found us! Glad you are here. Of course everyone is different, but in my experience, my recovery was more difficult the second time around. You sound alot like me, I had Ross and then 11 years later the aneurysm and valve replacement.


Hey everybody,

Thanks for the replies and the info. I know that recoveries vary from person to person and from surgery to surgery. I was looking for more general answers like you gave me. As long as I'm not looking at a dramatically longer recovery this time I'll be happy.

Also, on a positive note it looks like I get to keep my aortic valve! I'm still having my pulmonary replaced, but I knew that was going to happen all along. Might as well do that while my aneurysm is getting fixed.

Thanks again for the replies. I'm sure I'll come up with more questions as surgery draws nearer.

I had 2 surgeries 1st in 92,2nd surgery past January and even
having 2 didnot compare on me to each surgery within different time frame.
I found the 2nd worse must be the 17 years apart and 17 years older:eek:
cus the 1st was a cinch;)1st was aortic age 30,2nd mitral @now 48 years old

I have to agree with everyone elses opinion. Please keep us posted! Glad you found us, and post anytime you have a question, or need support. The people on this forum are terrific!

Good luck Marc!