Hi - I’m new to this forum and really appreciate all of the information available . I’m looking at bicuspid aortic valve replacement in the near future and I’m trying to gauge recovery time . I am not a TAVR candidate and don’t know if I’m going with mechanical or biological valve . I’m 53 years old in reasonably good health. I had a total right knee replacement two years ago and had support post surgery for about three days . I had someone drive me to PT for the first two weeks . But by and large I did recovery on my own . I’m a single parent with two teenagers at home , two on their own , and my 84 year old mom. No other family in the area . For my knee surgery, I was home in two days and had no visitors in the hospital . Has anyone else had knee surgery and how did the open heart surgery compare? I want to be prepared if my boys will need to help and schedule around their school/college requirements. I understand the surgery but really have very little sense of what it required once released . I helped my dad after his surgery (bicuspid, aortic stenosis like me) but that was almost twenty years ago ...