Home Testing Companies

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Can anyone provide guidance on selecting PT/INR Home Testing companies. As a new member of this site I'm seriously considering moving from lab testing to home testing and would love to hear about your experience with QAS and Raytel, or any others you would like to share.


Papa :)
Those are the only two that I know of. There may be others, but I haven't found them as of yet.
Home Testing Companies

Hello Papa,

A lot of us here know the QAS folks personally and can vouch for the fact that they are good people that go above and beyond to help us home testers out.

Give Lance Visnich a call at QAS and tell him that I sent you. His number is (800) 298-4515.

Then let me know if he doesn't treat you right..

No matter who you choose - you have got to release yourself from the lab nightmare and join the ranks of us hometesters... :)
INratio home monitor, cost 2500. test strips are about 12 bucks each (you can get them cheaper, too)

so far I've had pretty good luck with mine, I test every two weeks.

Got it from RELIANT HEALTH CARE. email me if you need a link, or just google them.

My insurance paid for everything, thankfully, minus about 250 bucks deductible. They even pay for test strips.

It's easy, and sooooo much more convenient than going to a lab.
Home Monitoring

Home Monitoring

Thanks to everyone that reponded to my Home Monitoring Testing (HMT) inquiry. I have taken the initial steps to order my HMT equipment through QAS.
I am also considering home testing and was confused as to where to go to get started so I will call QAS tomorrow morning and go from there. Thanks as always Hank.


I have a INR machine made my HemoSense from Raytel Cardiac. When i got out of the hospital the machine was on my doorstep waiting for me.

Its a breeze to use and the people are Raytel are great, i get a FedEx box every 2 weeks at my door with supplies in it.

I have never had to pay a penny for anything using BlueCross/BlueShield CareFirst.
Wow! They told me I had to wait 90 days to get mine. THEN they sent me one anyway!
So I had to send it back. Duh.
Did you get the one that slices your fingertip?:eek:
(Just had my surgery April 3)
I have a little thing that a needle goes in and it pokes my finger, what type of surgery did you have?

~ Tommy
Aortic replacement - SJM 25 - and for a bonus, triple bypass.
Buy one, get three free. Nah.
TrophyWife said:
Wow! They told me I had to wait 90 days to get mine. THEN they sent me one anyway!
So I had to send it back. Duh.
Did you get the one that slices your fingertip?:eek:
(Just had my surgery April 3)
I don't know why, but yes 90 days on Coumadin before they'll allow it.
Ross said:
I don't know why, but yes 90 days on Coumadin before they'll allow it.

The 90 day period was established for Medicare reimbursement when they announced a coverage decision for MHV patients in 2002. The conventional thought is this was done to allow a period of time for the INRs to stabilize. Some insurance companies do not have this restriction.
HemoSense-Brendan said:
The 90 day period was established for Medicare reimbursement when they announced a coverage decision for MHV patients in 2002. The conventional thought is this was done to allow a period of time for the INRs to stabilize. Some insurance companies do not have this restriction.
Thanks Brendan. I never knew the real reasoning behind it.