Holiday Inn Visit

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Bill Hall

All - I had a business trip to Orlando this week and stopped by the Holiday Inn Maingate East around 6 PM to see the hotel for the reunion. Here are the details of the hotel:
1 - There was a large pool, clear water, 8 feet deep at the deep end, no lifeguard.
2 - There was a Kiddie pool, 18 inches deep.
3 - There was a spa.
4 - There was a Children's Theatre.
5 - There was a game room with 5 games and air hockey
6 - There was a small fitness center with 3 threadmills and three more equipments.
7 - There was a small bar that was open when I arrived. She was all alone, but the bar was well-stocked. There were two large screen TVs.
8 - There was a small gift shop open.
9 - There was a snack area with around 30 tables and chairs. It was open.
10 - There was a Disney ticket place that sold discount tickets.
11 - There was an internet cafe with 4 computers and a copier and a fax machine.
12 - The Crete and Corsica meeting rooms were not set up.
13 - The north tower was closed for renovations. I asked the young girl at the front desk and she told me they would be completed in January.
14 - There was a small playground with slides.

Outside the hotel was route 192, three lanes in each direction with traffic lights. This is definitely a safe place. It is very close to Disney.
1 - A 24 hour McDonald's is directly next door.
2 - KFC, Red Lobster and Pizza Hut across the street.
3 - Across the street is Old Town, a small area with rides.
4 - I walked to the Grand Oaks Plaza. There was a Chinese buffet, a food mart (with coffee, ice cream, donuts, cameras and electronics), Ponderosa, a Gift Shop, Pacino's Italian restaurant, Sizzlin Grill buffet and Denny's. These are all on the Holiday Inn side of the road.
5 - I talked to one of the people in those ticket places. He said they give discounts, but also selling timeshares. I would recommend staying away from the high pressure sales.

Any Questions?

No questions, Bill, but a comment: great job scoping the place out!
We're going to Orlando in December and had considered going past it for a look-and-see, but now we don't need to!:)
I have visited Old Town, when it was really new. Back then, they had balloon rides - real big balloons that go up in the air. There were neat shops, like a music box store, there. I guess it isn't the same anymore, however.e It should be interesting to see. Motel sounds good.
On a Thursday night at Old Town they have Bike Night lots os Custom Bikes on show,
There are lots of small shops and funfair rides but the best thing about Old Town is the Saturday Night Car Cruise, Bill and I have seen it many times, its well worth a visit and its free!!!


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