Hobbies and interests

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Staff member
Apr 9, 2019
I'm curious, and probably all of us are. Aside from your regular physical health-related activities, what other interests or hobbies do you spend time on?
in no particular order:
  • photography (both from the compositional through to the deep dive technical)
  • electronics including construction and repair of my gear
  • riding two wheelers (motorcycle and electric scooter)
  • mechanical work (servicing the above two)
  • design and construction of ideas (such as my shed and my solar floor heating / insulation for my house
  • I suppose research and writing on my blog may also qualify, so perhaps an interest in education
  • recording, watching and photographing birds
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Collecting antique electric toy trains, electric motors, and stationary steam engines.
Scuba diving and underwater photography.
International travel.
Opera and music in general.
Pet interaction with a dog and a cat.
Watching NFL Football
Dining out.

(How did I ever find time to work?)
I belong to the LA Symphonic Winds. We perform many concerts each year.
I enjoy taking my dog in the ring for Rally and beginner novice obedience, also barn hunt.
I’ve gone to USC football games, Dodger & Laker game.
My daughter and I have been to 3 Operas. All wonderful.
We like going out to eat at new restaurants, ( the extra salt isn’t good but…)
Going to the beach is always calming!
I'm curious, and probably all of us are. Aside from your regular physical health-related activities, what other interests or hobbies do you spend time on?
Very active Ham Radio operator.
LSU football fan, fortunately my entire ordeal came during "covid season", so no real homes games that I missed.
Amateur DJ for weddings and parties.
Spending time with my family.
Aside from family time and work (which is most of the time), I’m enjoying photography more. With two in college and three more busy with extracurricular activities and school, it’s not easy to cultivate my own hobbies though.
My friend accidentally found the pot of gold hidden in an outdoor aviation display. I had not known such things were done. He left it as he found it.

My interest is in art and music. I noodle on guitar and keyboards. I have oil painted, drawn, sculpted and currently am animating. I also read a lot at times. Cook as well. No collection but I enjoy art galleries, art shows and museums.
I'm still only "semi" retired. I work just one full week each month, and then take the rest of the month off.

In my spare time, when I am not on one internet forum or another, I spend time on:
Ham Radio (been licensed over 60 years)
Amateur Bocce player (recreational, not tournament level)
Travel (trying to use up my frequent flyer miles before I expire)
Hit the gym 5 days a week (still)

Sometimes I think I have the attention span of a fruit fly. . .
@epstns neat on being a ham for 60 years. I got my novice about 1972, and a bit later advanced class. I'm not active right now, but I have two grandsons that are active and others of their family that are hams and use it less than the other two. I love travel also.

Small look at 10 meters this weekend with the ARRL DX CW contest. 10 watts and a wet noodle.
I enjoy sea kayaking on San Diego waters, mostly Mission Bay with occasional forays into the Pacific and trips to the Colorado River, also built my own kayaks. I just bought a new motorcycle (to add to the other two in the garage) with an eye toward riding it to Alaska with an old friend this summer. Still riding bicycles, RV camping, cooking (mostly on camping trips, I enjoy the challenge of cooking such things as Beef Wellington in a dutch oven. The people I camp with enjoy it too). Not playing my (Classical) guitar lately due to severe arthritis in my right wrist. Life is good, 8 years after surgery, looking forward to many more.
@ChuckM and @ValveAdmin -- This past weekend the bands were the "nicest" I have seen in many, many years. I spent a few hours on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. In all cases, the atmospheric noise (QRN to us OT's) was the quietest I have heard in a long time. My 100 watts and a stick (ground-mounted trap vertical) made me feel like a "big gun" working "search and pounce." I tuned up the band. When I heard an interesting callsign, I waited my turn, called, and made the contact. Very clear reception. Even though I only had a few hours to operate, this contest was one of the most enjoyable that I can remember.

Of course, CW is my "thing." I started the event with my keyer set at 30 words/minute, and increased it as the hours went on, and as other ops could copy. I will admit that I do use a good bit of computer-integration in my station. One application compiles the log and creates my outbound code messages. This app then "talks" to my electronic keyer, which keys the rig. All incoming decodes are done "in my head."

I remember contesting back in my early days. No way could I do all that now. We used to operate a club station, and it took 2-4 guys to operate, log, check for duplicates and get coffee. My current shack doesn't have room for anyone but me. . .
@epstns So CW is your thing! Not many people do that any more. Dad had the iambic paddle keyer and could flat go to town with it. I only ever got up to 15 wpm send/receive with a J3. Nice that the QRN was very nice this weekend. I'll have to ask my grandson if he was able to get any time in. He is going from 2M to the low bands and just discovering what I call real ham radio.
I enjoy sea kayaking on San Diego waters, mostly Mission Bay with occasional forays into the Pacific and trips to the Colorado River, also built my own kayaks. I just bought a new motorcycle (to add to the other two in the garage) with an eye toward riding it to Alaska with an old friend this summer. Still riding bicycles, RV camping, cooking (mostly on camping trips, I enjoy the challenge of cooking such things as Beef Wellington in a dutch oven. The people I camp with enjoy it too). Not playing my (Classical) guitar lately due to severe arthritis in my right wrist. Life is good, 8 years after surgery, looking forward to many more.
Hoping you enjoy 50 more ! Keep LIVING LIFE everyday . NONE of us healthy or not are promised tomorrow ☀️
Bushwalking (hiking, tramping). Completed the Overland Track in November last year. Mostly day walks but have completed a number of multi-day walks staying in accommodation overnight. Also involed in a number of bushcare groups. I don't know what this is called in other parts of the world. Basically we remove weeds (non-endemic plants) and allow the natural environment to regenerate.

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