Well-known member
Hello, how are you guys doing? I am good. I have been attempting to keep myself busy. My gramma is leaving tomorrow, going back to MN from WA. She's driving. The only part I didn't like about waking up from the surgery was being intubated! I have been taking my percocet, since I have two little ones who are quite demanding. The only thing my hubby will let me do is feed Erik AFTER he puts him on my lap. Other than that, he won't even let me near my car, won't let me grocery shop...I feel soooo dependant. I guess that's ok, let me get a break in, eh? My house is still VERY clean though. I only do the laundry and the cooking and such. I nap daily, and my energy level is going up every day. I thought it was funny the morning of my surgery, I almost ate a hershey Kiss
I thought it was funny. I remembered just in the nick of time! Well, i better get going. I'll try to keep everyone posted, I've just been sort of busy...My hubby is in the navy and all. Take care!