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Well im just getting back from being at the cardio, then admitted to the Hospital 6 hours away from where i live! Its been such and emotional few days.

Let me start by saying i havent been feeling well lately. Shortness of breath hard time doing stairs, and burping up a lot of extra air that i have. Thats all to say the least.. Well i woke up the other day with what felt like no air in my lungs. I had to gasp for TWO LARGE breaths of air.. then the next day i had a charlie-horse in my left leg (that had been previously swollen) for 45 minutes.. and still couldnt apply full pressure to my leg for 4 days!

So i decided to travel downstate to see my cardio. This past week we have noticed that besides me having symptoms i also couldnt keep a good INR at all.. So the test began once i saw my doctor.. I had lets see: two ekg, two eco's (one by my doc and one by a tech to see if they got the same results) a lung scan, chest x-rays, 7 tubes of blood taken out.... so i was there from 11:15 am until 6:30 pm.. my doctor had decided that there was a POSSIBLILITY that i have a bloodclott at the base of my new mechanical valve... he was very unsure of things cause we just werent getting enough answers.. (i cried all day!)

During the echo's that were preformed they noticed that now my heart isnt pumping at full strenght like it had been. Its now only pumping at like 33 % which is so out of the norm for me. THEY also realized that my left ventricle is now much wider at the top and having a larger gradient which was never like that three months ago at my last check up. And never like that before.. SO this is all new stuff that has started happening.

SO the next step was for me to drive 40 minutes to the Hospital where another cardio was going to meet me and admitt me in the hosptial for more test. (at this hosptial is where my surgeon is too in case of emergency) SO i end up with iv's for lasix, digoxin, antoher chest x-ray and more blood. They told me to then get a hotel cause there wasnt much they could do until morning. So i left that hospital at MIDNIGHT! SO from 11:15-MINDNIGHT i was dealing with my heart.

SO TODAY i went back to the hospital where the new cadrio did another ECHO and more test.. They said that my graident just doesnt add up since i just had this new mechanical valve. There is definately something wrong. So he wants to gather all the notes and bloodwork and test from all the doctors involved and read everything this week.

SO friday of this week i have to go back down and they are going to check my pacemaker (which was already a scheduled appointment) and then i go see the new cardio where he is going to admitt me into the hospital and possibly do a cath on me either friday night or sat morning. Cuase by the weekend he will have all his information gatherd and he will know what needs to be done.
So for now.. im kinda lost.. they said it possibly is a bloodclott, or possibly a malfunction in the new valve causing problems, it could be as simple as my iron is too low... there is just so much....

So emotionally i could only handle so much.. I cried alot. At frist this new cardio thats trying to help out.. i think he "hated me" cause i "knew too much about my history and test that should be preformed" I think he felt INTIMIDATED BY ME!!!! but once he came "down off his horse" he relaxed some and we were talking nice and trying to find the solutions together..

Anyways i just realized how long this is.. I just needed to vent since i wasnt expecting anyof this. I thought i woudl travel down to see my cardio, he woudl give me some meds.. and wallaaaa i would be fixed!! But NO that is NOT WHAT HAPPEND!!!!!! so.. now im just waiting until friday. and i wont know much until then.
Thanks everyone for listening. This site really does help!
Sorry Diesel. I sounds like you've probably had better days! ;) The good news is it sounds like the new cardio is going to thoroughly examine your records and hopefully come up with a plan to get you straightened out. Let's hope he under-promised in hopes of over-delivering--and he has some answers for you on Monday or Tuesday. (hedlp! I hadve a dsdtdicky Dddddddddddd key!)
Hiya Diesel...I am new here but boy oh boy I do know all about the frustration and huge emotional ups and downs that this causes in our lives...
Big *HUGS* to you,
Hope your next visit goes much better ..and they fix you quickly with no dramas and then send on your way to go back out and enjoy life!
Hey Diesel....I hope things get much better for you ASAP!!

Hey Diesel....I hope things get much better for you ASAP!!

Just want to lend some support to you from one who is dealing with multiple medical issues.....it's ok to feel overwhelmed and to cry alot because you have been through alot....Take it from me....I am diabetic, asthmatic, I have arthritis, kidney trouble, spinal stenosis (a narrowing of the spinal canal which brings on ALOT of pain, and the inability to walk any great distance without the help of a walker or scooter/shopping cart. ) and finally Cardiomyopathy, Valve Issues, and CHF. I feel just the way you do right now alot of the time. I can only offer you my best wishes and prayers that you get to feeling better soon, and please know that I as well as others will be routing for you every step of the way, and by all means, vent all you need to....we all do...Take Care, Harrybaby :D :D :D
Diesel, I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this. I will keep you in my thoughts. Please keep us posted.
hoping for the best

hoping for the best

I'm struggling with the fact that my heart is not in the best of shape after valve replacement surgery. I've had some bad moments and some bad days wondering what the future holds. My wife and I both read these forums. We'll be thinking about you and your issues and hoping it's all resolved quite soon. Wishing you the very best!!! PaulW
You have had a terrible week. I would have done alot more crying than you if the same circumstances had befallen me.
Let us know what's going on when you get some answers. I'll say a prayer that it's your iron causing the problems.
Just want to echo everyone else's good wishes. Please keep us up to date and we hope that the solution turns out to be an "easy" one!

Diesel, I felt like crying for you. How very frustrating and scary. I sure do know the frustration of knowing things aren't right, but not being able to know exactly what it is, or what is going to be done about it, until the doctors take a good look. You hang in there girlie! You are in my prayers.
Diesel, I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time. Hopefully This will get straightened out for you and you'll start feeling better. I think for the majority of people health and well-being really improve with surgery and there are few complications afterward. For others though there are some tough struggles before things level out. My cardiologist once told my husband that I intimidate him so I know how you feel about that. :). Don't doubt yourself though...it is very important to know what is going on with your cardiac issues. I'll be watching for news of you and keeping you in my prayers.
Scary stuff.. :( So sorry to hear your going through it all. You just kind of hope and pray, that once surgery is done that it is over, and you wont have anymore complications. Its obviously not always the case. For whatever reason, some of us skate right by..and others have more of a bumpy recovery. It just sucks! You will definitly be in my prayers. Keep us posted as to what they find out.

BTW - Do they want you to start any kind of iron supplement for the time being?

Best Wishes,
I am so sorry to hear of your very difficult issues. My husband has been in similar situations (plural) in the past (he has a lot of weird things happen) and it is so nerve wracking while they are doing all those tests and waiting for all the results. Believe me, there will be conferences going on about your case and much discussion among the various cardiologists, during the time they are doing the workup. Unfortunately, you have problems which are not ordinary and easy to figure out. It may be a case of ruling out different things, rather than an obvious "bingo" diagnosis. And that takes much longer.

The cath will show an enormous amount of necessary information, and it is my guess that after that, you will have a definitive diagnosis and the help that you need.

I am also sorry you have to go back and forth when you aren't feeling well. You'd think they would hospitalize you while all this is going on, they have for Joe. But it sounds as if you'll be in the hospital for a while at the time of your cath.

Just keep hanging in there with every bit of your being. Help is on the way, even though it is coming by pony express instead of a jet plane. They have pulled Joe out some very deep holes. Actually, he's healing from one right now.

I'll be thinking about you.
Thank-you everyone for your kind words, thoughts, and prayers. Last night when i finally got home iwas just so mentaly exhausted that i needed to come and write. I hope i didnt over-whelm or over-write my privlages and have people tired of listening! :p

This has site has really helped alot in times of troubles. Sometimes i just feel guilty writting as i know there are others out there who are going through the same or even worse! SO i thank you for your written back responses.

I guess we cant take your recoveries for granted. I was having a pretty good smooth recovery for the last few months, besides some small complications with coumadin adjustments. But jeeze it doesnt matter how far along you are, complications definately can come. Its just finding the right doctors to belive you and to understand!

Thanks again... (oh guess what, my cardio called me at my house today to see how i was doing. He said that he knew i had been upset and cried alot over the last few days over frustration. And that he wanted me to know that he was doing everything that he thought was right for me and not to give up. IT was nice of him to call i thought!)

What a human and kind thing for your cardiologist to do. He's a real gem. And he's in your corner. Good for you!
We are there with you in thoughts and hope you receive all the understanding care and love we would give you if we would be next to you.
Most of us do not do it easy all the time, but this community forum sure makes the ride less lonely.
Best wishes I care
Eowyn Rose


Glad you wrote when you needed to, wow, what an ordeal to go through. I'm glad I could read and empathize. I've had some little emotional ups and downs post-surgery but you've had some real challenges to face.

Sounds like you have a good doc, hope things come to a positive resolution quickly for you.

Patty :rolleyes:
Mornin, Diesel - once in a while one of us doesn't get the final results we always hope for. That's when all of us jump right on the wagon and try to ride with you and send our best thoughts - empathy, it's called. We feel for you, we pray for you - then we hope that all turns out well. Take heart from your physicians. It sounds like they are in your corner to help you through. Please keep us posted. Blessins.....
Hey There Lady!

Hey There Lady!

Omg...I didn't know you were having such a difficult time...I'm sure once everyone gets all this stuff figured out, you will be just fine. You have gone through so much, you can't give up now ;) I don't really know what more to say since I'm so new to all of this myself. Just know that I am thinking about you and let me know how your doing as soon as your up to it. Remember I am here anytime you need to chat :D

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