Hi ~ I'm back

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good to hear from you again - your spirits sound good, your screen-name should be something to do with the energizer bunny or Timex watches - you take a licking but keep on ticking ! Hope you stay feeling good for a long while.
Dear Dawn Marie, I hope you are resting comfortably as I write this. Wonderful to hear from you! Get well, we have missed you. All the best, Brian
I am so glad to see you posting again! We were all very worried about you! I am glad your health is improving, best wishes for a complete recovery from the bronchitis! Welcome Back!
So glad to hear from you. Glad you are feeling better. Those treatments can wear anybody out bet you'll be glad when they are over. Thanks for posting and letting us know you are ok. Look forward to hearing from you again soon. :)
Oh word. I just posted on the prayers thread and then saw this. I guess your Lifeline Alert is working just fine?

I'm so glad to know you're well as can be, all things considered, Dawn-Marie.

Take Heart,
Hi everyone ~ Thanks for welcoming me back and for your concern. It took me until today to get my sleep schedule straightened out. It was totally backwards. I'm feeling much better now. The Albuterol is out of my system finally, thank goodness! So now i should be back to posting. I did find out that what my doctor kept talking about that might help me that is coming from France is the CoreValve Revalving System. Since i couldn't get all that much information out of my doctor, or Dr. Svensson at Cleveland Clinic i contacted CoreValve myself. It works better than the percutaneous aortic valve they are using with The Partner Study for people, like myself, who have a bicuspid aortic valve. However, they don't expect trials to start until the end of this year, or the spring of 2010, and he told me also that i won't qualify for the study. I am considered "inoperable", but he said the study will also require that people are elderly. I'm 57 (soon to be 58), but that doesn't meet their elderly requirement. At least i know the truth now that there is nothing out there that will help me. It's better than the doctors keeping me hoping for some cure that doesn't exist.

Hopefully, nothing more will go wrong with me and i'll be able to post regularly again. I've missed being here!

Glad to see you posting again. I was worried for a while about you. Well at least you found out the truth about that heart study. But remember when ever we think that God has closed a door, he opens a window. Take Good Care of Yourself..:)
Hi ~ Thank you again everyone for your concern. Just thought i'd let you know, if you don't see me much around here for the next few days, except for Sunday, it's because i'm doing some volunteer work. A government agency for the disabled that i'm on the Board of Directors for asked me to call people and update their information. I've got almost 300 people to call, so i've been busy doing that. Not my favorite thing to do, but i have absolutely no ability to say "no" when somebody asks me to do something!! I figure i should be done by Tuesday if i do it from the time i get up at 11 AM (when my nurse leaves) until around 7 PM, with breaks for meals. I've done this before, and it's not easy as some of their clients have mental retardation and some are hard of hearing and don't understand what i'm asking them. It needs to be done though, and they have done a lot to help me, so i'll do it.

Yes, it is good to know that there is nothing more available to help me. It was too hard to keep having them tell me they could help me and then say they couldn't. It's much better just to know the truth and deal with it.

Well, i better get back to making phone calls.

I'll be back on Sunday (i told them i won't bother people on Sunday), plus i need a break to do my own thing for a day.


It sure is a relief to see you posting :).

Thoughts/prayers continue coming your way....

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...Chitown #2 = 07/25/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Remember all of the good things" ... John Anderson ... '1959'

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