Don't worry, I plan on sitting at the media center desk and scanning books for checkout! I'm not going to chase down any *skippers* for a few weeks or do hall duty (as in mosh pit ) probably for the rest of the year! And, if I can somehow get out of lunch duty, then I'm good!
Goodness gracious. I wish you luck. I have 6 middle school boys in my scout troop and they're nearly more than I can handle. You didn't say 1600, did you??
Stretch....I stand corrected This is the email I got from my Assistant Principal this a.m.....I was a little off in the numbers (and, this was when I told her they were upping my meds and I had to be careful of low bp and dizziness)...hee, hee!
Lynn, we can't wait till you come back, but all in due time. Let the doctors make that decision for you. You certainly do not want 1,640 sets of footprints walking across your prone body!!!!!!!!!! Cathy