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sue943 said:
No breathing tube for me, it was gone before I was awake.

Same here Sue. Another example of differing practice on different continents maybe?

So Billiejo I can only echo the words of others, pain is well controlled. Two weeks discomfort with the odd sharp twinge is how I would grade it. After that a little soreness for a further few weeks, then nothing.
Don't fret, be mentally strong and focussed is my advice. It sounds like your general health is good so you'll be fine. :)
Welcome Billie Jo, from a fellow Georgian. I?m on the other side of the state from you. My daughter and her family live in Brunswick.

Although the dues to join this elite group are cheap, the initiation ritual can be a bummer. I think all of us have showed up here scared out of our minds about what we are facing. You can?t find a more helpful and knowledgeable group of folks anywhere.

The key to pain management is to let the surgeon and staff know of your fears and concerns going in. Most hospitals are eager to help you in any way they can. The best pain management is staying ahead of the pain. Don?t try to ?grin and bear it? (us guys are famous for trying that). After my surgery I quickly found out that ?every 4 hours? meant just that. Not 4 hours and 20 minutes and definitely not ?I?ll take another when it starts hurting?. You just wind up chasing the pain that way.

As most of the others have found, my experience was not near as bad as I had expected. It wasn?t an easy stroll in the park by no means but nothing as bad as what I worried about.

So read the info that is already here and ask about things you need to clarify. If you just need an ear or shoulder getting ready for this climb just post. Someone is usually here to provide you advice, guidance, information, suggestions and the occasional slap when needed. We will help you get thru this.

I notice you mention being scheduled for June. Where will you be having your surgery?

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Hi Billiejo, Welcome, Justin had a few heart surgeries and a couple of the times he was off the vent before he got to CICU, others he was on it when he woke up. His surgeons say they try to have them off ASAP but really won't know until they see how you are doing.
I also wanted to recomend another group for you to look into if you haven't found them The Adults with CHD org has a really good forum with alot of people close to your age too. http://www.achaheart.org between these 2 groups you should get all your questions answerred and lots of good thoughts and prayers, Lyn


Hi again!
I am finding so much comfort in all the replys, thanks again! To answer a few questions, My two oldest childrens names are, Gaven (daughter, 8 years) and
Caden (son, 6 years) and our little Charlie, (1 yrs this past March). Our two oldest will be going to stay with their grandparents for 6 weeks in the summer, like they always do, so thankfully that will work out perfect, and my mother will be staying with me to help take care of the little one, and take care of me as well:p I am having my surgery at St. Vincents Heart Ins. in Jacksinville Florida. My surgeon is Dr. Mostovych, Im told he is one of the best around these parts... The little guy in the picture is my son Caden, he is kissing me on the cheek in that picture,..one of his few sweet moments!! Look forward to reading and posting more later! Take care.
I was awake when the vent came out. Two things helped one was my surgeon had told me ahead of time I would be awake. The other thing that really helped when I started to fight it was my son walked over to the bed he put his hand on mine and said "Mom I know you're scared but you are fighting the vent and making it worse than it is. Try to relax"
Him talking me through it and seeing that he was not in a panic really helped.

Pain wise my worse pain was in the shoulder and as others have stated the hospital and nurses manage it really well.

It's not a walk in the park but you can do it.

I am 12 weeks post surgery, 67 years old and just finished a thirty minute walk. Feeling well.

No worries....

No worries....

Welcome to the site! You have found a wonderful resource! I'm 34 years old and just had an AVR 9 weeks ago. I'm doing very well and have been since surgery. I'll address your two concerns...1. Ahhhhhhh, the breathing tube. I'm quite colostrophobic (know that I misspelled that) and thought that the tube was going to be a big deal for me! I was on the docs before I went into surgery about it...honestly, it was my main concern. When I woke up from surgery, I still had the vent in, but honestly, don't remember much about it. I know that I started moving my leg back and forth so that they'd know I was awake and wanted the vent out. Soon after, they pulled it and I hardly remember it. BUT, I then experienced the worse part of the whole thing in my opinion...HORRIFIC thirst!!! I've never been so thirsty in my entire life!!!!! Bring on the ice chips! And point 2. How much pain? Honestly, I have yet to be in much pain at all. You'll have plenty of pain medicine after surgery so that you aren't in pain. I encourage you to stay on top of your nurses and not let it lapse...if you do that, I don't think you'll be in pain at all. My wife and I have 3 kids as well and I'm pretty sure she was in more pain during delivery than I have been post surgery. :D

I wish you the best and we'll look forward to you keeping us informed!

Take care!

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