Welcome Billie Jo, from a fellow Georgian. I?m on the other side of the state from you. My daughter and her family live in Brunswick.
Although the dues to join this elite group are cheap, the initiation ritual can be a bummer. I think all of us have showed up here scared out of our minds about what we are facing. You can?t find a more helpful and knowledgeable group of folks anywhere.
The key to pain management is to let the surgeon and staff know of your fears and concerns going in. Most hospitals are eager to help you in any way they can. The best pain management is staying ahead of the pain. Don?t try to ?grin and bear it? (us guys are famous for trying that). After my surgery I quickly found out that ?every 4 hours? meant just that. Not 4 hours and 20 minutes and definitely not ?I?ll take another when it starts hurting?. You just wind up chasing the pain that way.
As most of the others have found, my experience was not near as bad as I had expected. It wasn?t an easy stroll in the park by no means but nothing as bad as what I worried about.
So read the info that is already here and ask about things you need to clarify. If you just need an ear or shoulder getting ready for this climb just post. Someone is usually here to provide you advice, guidance, information, suggestions and the occasional slap when needed. We will help you get thru this.
I notice you mention being scheduled for June. Where will you be having your surgery?
May God Bless,