Hey Granbonny I Got A New Friend!

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Hey hon, I have this geriatric possum that's been coming around for past couple days. I could pet this guy he lets us so close. We set a feast outside the window to see if he'd come and not even 10 minutes later, here he is. Looks like he has a problem with his back left hip, he cannot walk on it properly. He is cool!

Can't get outside fast enough to get him with the camera, so I had to take this from inside.
Uh-Oh- does this mean someone will be the lucky recipient of a gift of possum from Ross??


So sweet.that you are feeding him..I spend the first hour at my home..feeding the wildlife....If he/her is hurt..they will stay around...:) If you keep food. out..You may just get a new friend. name him/her Granbonny:D ..I love all wildlife.....I have 5 squirrels..that sit on my front yard every morning waiting for their peanuts.....:p ...I also have a family of crows..that is in my backyard..in the mornings..waiting for me to throw out their food for the day......They come up on my back deck and take the food away..to share with their family...:) ....Bonnie
I don't think possums have the best dispositions, and they have VERY long teeth. So don't get too chummy with your old friend, keep your distance. Don't want to have to go to the ER with possum bites. No more hospitals for our dear friend, Ross.
Nancy said:
I don't think possums have the best dispositions, and they have VERY long teeth. So don't get too chummy with your old friend, keep your distance. Don't want to have to go to the ER with possum bites. No more hospitals for our dear friend, Ross.
Nancy even you would have laughed at this. Lyn went out to walk him away from the rear of a car we have in the backyard for me to see him. He walked a few feet, very very slowly, almost falling over a couple times, then he sat up on his rump and looked at Lyn, who is now about 3 feet away, and shows her his choppers and gives a growl as if to say, "Enough lady, get away from me". Then he sort of rolled/fell over and started walking away.

He may well bite, but his dispostion is one that takes lots of antagonizing to make him mad.
they also carry rabies. let no children near them and I know you'll be careful. some folk in this area find foundlings and raise them as pets. When I lived in mid Florida, garbage men rung my bell to ask me if that was my possum in the bottom of the garbage can. I said - oh no, not me. I went out and there was a mother with a full litter of babies (do they call them litters?). Anyhow, I told'em to take her away because I had a small child and small dogs. She was hissing like fire at us and scared the dickens out of me. They took them all and probably had mommy for supper - no kidding.
I guess this means we're not all being invited over for possum belly and squirrel with collard greens or whatever "they" eat with these things.
Ross said:
Nancy even you would have laughed at this. Lyn went out to walk him away from the rear of a car we have in the backyard for me to see him. He walked a few feet, very very slowly, almost falling over a couple times, then he sat up on his rump and looked at Lyn, who is now about 3 feet away, and shows her his choppers and gives a growl as if to say, "Enough lady, get away from me". Then he sort of rolled/fell over and started walking away.

He may well bite, but his dispostion is one that takes lots of antagonizing to make him mad.

Oh I love the fact you get these animals in your gardens! And I love seeing the photos of them too! Wasn't someone only saying a while ago about bears and deer or something?? Most I get is a worm or sparrow!! Thrilling! :rolleyes:
Emma said:
Oh I love the fact you get these animals in your gardens!

Let?s see, we?ve had possum, raccoons, deer, foxes, coyotes, wild turkey, and wayward dawgs, along with squirrels, bats (one inside the house just recently?no belfry:D ?just a couple of chimneys), armadillos, bob cats, buzzards, snakes, lizards, spiders, wasp, wood boring bees, gnats, Mosquitoes, Deer flies, roaches, ants and other creepy, crawly creatures:eek: . There?s been blackbirds, sparrows, redbirds, robins, blue birds, thrashers, finches, hummingbirds, hawks, ravens, woodpeckers and feral cats. Let?s not forget the latest visitors, wild pigs, which have been digging up the yard.:mad: :mad: Thanks to my BIL next door and his visiting son there will be several that will no longer be making a visit, if you get my drift.;) No bears that we know of.

Dang if I was building a boat in my yard, I might start to get worried!!!!!!:eek:

Guess it helps that I live on an old farm.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
Emma said:
Oh I love the fact you get these animals in your gardens! And I love seeing the photos of them too! Wasn't someone only saying a while ago about bears and deer or something?? Most I get is a worm or sparrow!! Thrilling! :rolleyes:
Emma about a year ago or so, it was predawn and I was about to make coffee in the kitchen when something caught my eye. Thought at first it was a dog then it turned around and came out from between the bushes. A young Fawn Deer. First I've ever seen around here.

Still waiting for the bear.
gadgetman said:
Let?s see, we?ve had possum, raccoons, deer, foxes, coyotes, wild turkey, and wayward dawgs, along with squirrels, bats (one inside the house just recently?no belfry:D ?just a couple of chimneys), armadillos, bob cats, buzzards, snakes, lizards, spiders, wasp, wood boring bees, gnats, Mosquitoes, Deer flies, roaches, ants and other creepy, crawly creatures:eek: . There?s been blackbirds, sparrows, redbirds, robins, blue birds, thrashers, finches, hummingbirds, hawks, ravens, woodpeckers and feral cats. Let?s not forget the latest visitors, wild pigs, which have been digging up the yard.:mad: :mad: Thanks to my BIL next door and his visiting son there will be several that will no longer be making a visit, if you get my drift.;) No bears that we know of.

Dang if I was building a boat in my yard, I might start to get worried!!!!!!:eek:

Guess it helps that I live on an old farm.

May God Bless,

Danny :)

I've got a newt and a red-earred slider at my house. I'll try to post a pic later.
My neighbor..down and around the curve..told me at P.O. this morning that our bear is back.:D I have not seen him yet.....but neighbor feeds deer. I quit doing that last year. when I saw a herd in front yard..(deer)..they will eat our flowers, ect.Neighbor said he would quit feeding corn to deer, too.:p ..Zeke, our bear is harmless....but scary..when I am walking dog..and come face=to-face with him..:eek: Bonnie
Nature is one of only a very few things that allow me peace and relaxation. I have a mini wildlife reserve in my back yard. Ground hogs, Possums, Raccoons, Mice, Wild Cats, Rabbits, Squirrels, Chipmunks, Deer as evidenced once............Oh and how could I forget my stinky friends, the Skunks.
We live on a Preserve..so the deer rule..:D the other day..my age 14 year old Grandson and I were turning a curve and there were probably 20 deer in the road. he said..stop..Granbonny..I have never seen them this close up before. they were looking at us thru the car windows..never making a move...they are so used to cars..my Grandson said..Daddy took me deer hunting last year..and I never saw 1 deer.:D Fell asleep in the deer stand..bored.:p I don't think he would have shot one..anyway..he is an animal lover like me..


Ross the Possums in the US look somewhat different to our Australian possums. I am surprised by the number of members that say they have deer, bears and other large wildlife visiting is this because they are in rural areas?
I live in the suburbs and all I get are ringtail possums, various birds (Ravens, Butcher Birds, Magpies, Blackbirds, Rosellas, Indian Minors) and other people cats. The only interesting thing is fruit bats fly over at twilight on summer evenings looking to raid fruit trees. :)
Emma said:
Oh I love the fact you get these animals in your gardens! And I love seeing the photos of them too! Wasn't someone only saying a while ago about bears and deer or something?? Most I get is a worm or sparrow!! Thrilling! :rolleyes:
Yes me too or maybe the odd squirrel, probably a good thing thow, i dont think i would go out in my garden, if i had some of the things i have just read about:eek:
OldManEmu said:
Ross the Possums in the US look somewhat different to our Australian possums. I am surprised by the number of members that say they have deer, bears and other large wildlife visiting is this because they are in rural areas?
I live in the suburbs and all I get are ringtail possums, various birds (Ravens, Butcher Birds, Magpies, Blackbirds, Rosellas, Indian Minors) and other people cats. The only interesting thing is fruit bats fly over at twilight on summer evenings looking to raid fruit trees. :)
This is the problem. Man has slowly taken away the habitat of these animals for building and now the wild life is showing up in residential areas. The Deer is not safe at my house. We are surrounded by streets with speeding cars. That is one reason I didn't pursue taking a picture of the doe. She could hear me as was and was ready to bolt. I was afraid she'd bolt straight into the street.
Bonnie, was it you with the bear? Knew I'd remembered it from somewhere!

And Danny, blimey! - you have a whole nature reserve in your garden!!! Cool!!!

gadgetman said:
Let?s see, we?ve had possum, raccoons, deer, foxes, coyotes, wild turkey, and wayward dawgs, along with squirrels, bats (one inside the house just recently?no belfry:D ?just a couple of chimneys), armadillos, bob cats, buzzards, snakes, lizards, spiders, wasp, wood boring bees, gnats, Mosquitoes, Deer flies, roaches, ants and other creepy, crawly creatures:eek: . There?s been blackbirds, sparrows, redbirds, robins, blue birds, thrashers, finches, hummingbirds, hawks, ravens, woodpeckers and feral cats. Let?s not forget the latest visitors, wild pigs, which have been digging up the yard.:mad: :mad: Thanks to my BIL next door and his visiting son there will be several that will no longer be making a visit, if you get my drift.;) No bears that we know of.

Dang if I was building a boat in my yard, I might start to get worried!!!!!!:eek:

Guess it helps that I live on an old farm.

May God Bless,

Danny :)

We have the same things you have. The wild hogs are getting so bad people are fussin. Your bil needs to capture, feed out the pig with grain to sweeten the meat before its demise. Then dig a hole, roast it in the ground. (properly lined hole and wrapped pig). Invite all your family, friends and neighbors to the feast. We'll all be there.

we had a young deer in our back yard a few weeks ago in the early morning. We, too, have to be quiet and still because they see everywhere. She was grazing and finally spotted us in the window and ran off into the woods.

Yes, Emu, some of us live in the country and the forests (at least Danny. Bonnie and I do.) The three of us are in the deep south of the U.S. Some others of the membership are in the country, too, but I believe the southern(est) and most countrified are the three of us.