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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
By Frank Kaiser
What a quaint concept!

In this day of $3-a-gallon gas*, imagine paying 20 cents and getting actual service, too. Today, it's as bizarre a notion to anyone under 40 as a gentleman's tipping his hat to a lady.

About 40 years ago, both were part of everyday life in America.

Then in 1973, OPEC and Big Oil turned a screw creating long lines and high prices at gas pumps, prepayments to grim strangers behind bulletproof glass, and, most shocking of all, forcing ladies dressed in their finery to pump their own gas, wash their own windshields, check their oil and fill their tires with air, "free air" now costing two bits.

It was the end of a great era.

Older Suddenly Seniors will remember its beginning in the '20s when gas stations popped up all over postwar and newly prosperous America. Some stations even had indoor toilets.

In those days, filling a typical car's five-gallon tank took eight minutes. To keep customers' minds from the clock, attendants cleaned windshields (sometimes inside and out), checked oil and water, even cranked engines to get the old jalopies back on the road again.

The Depression saw stations built to resemble teepees, castles, dinosaurs, even pyramids ? anything to attract scarce dollars. One of Gulf Oil's outlets was built in the shape of the Spirit of St. Louis, Charles Lindbergh's famous airplane.

Slowed by gas rationing during W.W.II (remember the A, B and C decals?), service stations mushroomed in the prosperous 1950s, marked by a huge expansion of motorcars and highways. Service stations sprouted from every corner, competing by giving away drinking glasses, trading stamps, maps, and car washes. And a tsunami of service.

"Regular or Ethyl?"

So fierce was competition that gas wars broke out, at least once pushing the price down to 12 cents a gallon in my suburban Chicago neighborhood.

Suddenly Trivia: How many American service stations were there in 1969?

a. 78,500 b. 156,000 c. 239,000 d. 468,900

Even car dealers put pumps out front to get some of the action.

About 1950, I worked a summer at Ladendorf Oldsmobile in Des Plaines, Illinois, about a block from the world's first McDonald?s.

(Who knew? Ray Kroc?s first franchise opened April 15, 1955 ? 50 years ago ? and is now a museum. Today?s McDonald?s has 30,000 restaurants serving 50-million people day.)

My job was changing oil, lubing, and undercoating.

And pumping gas.

When the tire bell rang, I'd quickly throw on an ill-fitting jacket and cap, run out, pump the gas ? usually a buck's worth, but occasionally, "Five dollars or fill, whichever comes first." I'd wash windows all around, check the oil, fill tires and the battery as needed, and, in my spare time, chat or flirt, whichever was appropriate.

Really hectic was when a gas customer drove in as I was undercoating ? spraying tar all over the bottom of a vehicle and me, protecting us both from road stones and rust.

Mr. Ladendorf, afraid my tarred, blackened aura might frighten customers, insisted that I always wash my face and hands with gasoline before greeting the customer.

Small wonder I had trouble getting dates that summer.

My car at the time was a '41 Ford convertible with a '48 Mercury engine. Bright red. All-chrome interior. Chopped and channeled. Leaded. Duals. Headers. Necker knob.

And no top.

On those rare occasions when I scrubbed up clean enough to get a date, I'd borrow my dad's Oldsmobile Rocket 88 (0 to 60 in eight seconds!), promising to fill the tank and adhere to mileage restrictions.

Dad insisted, "Don't drive over 10 miles, now." Whether he thought I'd have less chance of an accident or what, I never knew. I do remember having a devil of a time reinstalling the speedometer cable, and once getting caught, feet in the air, fumbling under the dash with loose cable in hand.

From then on, my last stop on date nights was at a service station where, without so much as a frown, they reinstalled the speedometer cable, free, with my fill-up.

Try getting service like that in 2007!
I remember pumping gas at my first job for 25 cents a gallon (Ethyl was a little more expensive?but needed for them hot rods), checking the air in the tires, washing the windshield, checking the oil and water, where everyone older than you was Mr. or Mrs., saying ?yes ma?am and no ma?am?, and even sometimes having to show Miss Dot how to tune that new fangled radio in her car. Talk about service.

I can remember my friends coming in, passing the hat around, coming up with 68 cents (mostly pennys), and handing it over while saying ?give us that much?!!!! I sometimes even had to take that nickel from a customer and get her a cold Coke outta the machine. Sometimes, she even wanted a pack of peanut butter crackers to go with it. Try to get someone to do that for you today.

Heck, with ?pay at the pump? you?re lucky to even see a human being while pumping gas today. I was living in Mayberry and didn?t know it, until Sheriff Taylor pointed it out!!!!

May God Bless,

Bubba :)
Oh yeah - 25 cents a gallon and some type of premium like free drinking glasses or dinnerware.

I also remember disconnecting the speedometer cable so the parental units did not know how far we drove. I have little doubt they were not that dumb and had us pegged all along.

We used to collect money from whoever drove with us out on the weekend, cruising the drive-in restaurants or hanging out in the local park.

But the best part was never having to get out of your car to pump your own gas.

Ahh - the good old days.;) :D ;)
The good old days for sure....my Mom collected dozens of glasses and 2 or 3 sets of dishes. If we were good in the car, kids could run into the gas station and get a chocolate bar for 5 cents.
I remember the gas wars. Two or three stations on the corner and they would keep dopping the price. Seems like I remember seeing it as low as 17 cents/gallon.

Rumble seats

Rumble seats

My brother got his first car in 1953.A model A? Ford with a rumble seat.Maybe Model T?..anyhow..we drove up to local corner gas station and we had 21 cents....for gas..the gas station owner asked us..if we needed a map:D :p :p .....He was so proud of that car..but..a very heavy girl climbed over into the back to get into the rumble seat and iI remember her arm went right thru the top..Boy, was my brother mad.:eek: Seems I remember it being made of some type of tar-paper?.....Bonnie
we still had a real service station until a couple of years ago. They got greedy and price gouged after a hurricane and got fined right out of business. I went to that station for years. Now I have to pump my own and I hate it.

Today they were talking ethly on TV.
Yup, we have a "real" gas station in my little hick town, open everyday.
No pumping gas for me!!!
We almost lost this luxury when the original owner passed away 2 years ago; luckily his brother decided to keep it going.

I love it, Ann :). He he.

Back when I started driving, we had a couple stations in the Elgin area that still did SERVICE. Now, none.

Sad, indeedy.

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
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"The world rolls by a million miles away" ... James Taylor ... 'Our Town'

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