Hey, Bubba!

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
I was nearly bout within hollerin distance of you this weekend. I went to a family reunion at Hopeful, but spent nights in All-benny! It sure has grown up since I was a young'un. I can't remember ever going there as a kid, but I knew if you couldn't get what you wanted in Camilla, you went to All-benny and if not there, the next CITY was Hotlanta. I think it still is that way.

As we drove the countryside, seems many houses have disappeared and all the land is in forests, pecan groves, and farms. Miles upon miles upon miles with few houses. At least folks went back to their roots and are using the land as their forefathers/mothers did. It was truly beautiful. Ga has always been a pretty state, but I missed the old shacky houses. Nowadays, there are large, beautiful homes and right next to them an old unpainted barn missing part of the tin roof and walls falling down! Reminders of the old days that I guess we all should try to remind us of what used to be.
All-benny. What a wonderful town. I think Columbus has now become the next CITY for All-benny. Got just about as much as Hotlanta without the traffic, YET!!!

I can remember growing up, folks living out in the country, way out. One of my friend?s Dad used to own a grocery store. He operated a ?rolling store? (a big truck) that went out in the country once a week. He carried all the basics for those that couldn?t get into town. Nowadays, they bring the Bulldozers in, clear the property of all trees, throw up a bunch of houses only inches apart, plant new tiny trees, then call them ?Deer Park Crossing?, ?Fox Run? or other such wilderness name. Ah, progress.

May God Bless,

Bubba :)