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ChouDoufu said:
sorry freddie, that was a slightly altered version of the interview of palin by
ms. couric. palin was explaining her qualifications for president in terms of
foreign policy. sort of like saying 'i'm qualified to negotiate with syria, as i often
eat lebanese bologna.'

from the interview (no ross, this is not politics..it's comedy hour):
Nope, it's politics disguised as humor.
Are any of those snipers located in a book depository?

Just kidding, so don't flame me! I respect my President, even if he wasn't my choice.

Chou - Guess what? US schools have maps on the wall and we teach in first grade that there are 7 continents. I actually have wondered why the Canadians don't call themselves Americans! Many of the Mexicans do! I've also wondered why Europe considers themselves a separate continent from Asia. They share a huge border.
Bina, don't answer that knock at your door, it's the secret service coming to check on you!!!

They just cut into the TV programming with a speech from our Harper with Obama beside him; a synopsis of their meeting.
-welcoming a new Pres.
-maintaining a working relationship
-lowering of taxes
-countering the global recession
-restore economic growth
-access to credit (!)
-cross border cooperation on environmental protection
-int'l peace- specifically Afghanistan
etc, etc.

Obama is now speaking.....peace, economy, partnerships, commitments, etc.
Bina, you are so funny. I bet there is not anyone in the whole of America who has every paid that much attention to a presidential visit.
