Here's hoping 2009 will be better than 2008..mystory.

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COLLEEN S Supporter
Supporting Member
May 5, 2008
Maryland, USA
March-triple abdominal hernia surgery
June-Cardio informs me of 7.0 dilated 'aortic root'
July-Cardio informs me at my appt. that a dilated aortic root is the same as an "aneurysm." Thanks for telling me that a month later (sarcasm intended). He also said he sent me a letter a year before that I was 4.0 cm dilated aortic root. Again, thanks for telling me a year later what that meant.
August-Surgery for thoracic ascending aortic aneurysm and insert aortic valve.
November-my 8 year old buddy, Milo the kitty, has cancer and is euthanized.
December 3-a guy in black SUV plows into me at high speed, broadsides me, 10pm at night, he had no lights on. Judge says I failed to yield right of way. I kid you not.

2009 has got to be better:rolleyes:

Sorry you had a tough 2008. I am sure 2009 will make it up for you. Keep thinking of good positive happy things and forget the bad ones as they envelop you with bad energy every time you remember them.

Best wishes :)
They say it always gets worse before it gets better. Hopefully '08 was your lowpoint. Good wishes to you! :D

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