Here's a person who is totally clueless!

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?burn your shorts party?

?burn your shorts party?

Ross, what day did you say you were having that 'burn your shorts' party? :eek: LOL

Honestly Nancy, I would go next door and talk to the guy. If I felt like he was endangering the lives of my family I would report him to the proper authorities in a heart beat... other wise.. more power to him.
Ross, what day did you say you were having that 'burn your shorts' party?
I don't wear shorts. We can have a burn the jeans party if you like, but then I'll be naked. Do you think you could handle that? :eek: It didn't scare the nurses any so I must not be an issue.
No, Ross .... we?d be pointing fingers and laughing. LOL

No, Ross .... we?d be pointing fingers and laughing. LOL

Ya mean to tell me you burned your shorts back in the 60s when the girls were burning their bras?! :eek: WAIT! You couldn?t have.... you?re younger than I am! :confused: And I wasn?t even old enough to have a bra in the sixties!! I'm gonna bite my tongue and not even ask when or why you burned your shorts. You're just lucky Nancy & I weren't there. :eek: :D :p

It takes a very secure man to go "without". Remember Kramer on Seinfeld. That was a hilarious segment.

"Jerry, I'm out there and lovin' it!"

:p :p :p