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Ernesto should make landfall at Myrtle Beach, S.C. in a few hours.(yes, where we were going this week)

..all T.V. channels have people there tonight.We are 6 hours away..but I think more people in S.C. and N.C. will really get the flooding.

and in Virginia, maryland as it moves up the coast......Remember that more people lose their lives in the rain/floods than in the Hurricane itself.Stay off the roads..this is a 3=4 day rain event for everyone.that lives inland from where it rides the East coast.Also, remember the tornadoes that come off from these storms.Yesterday..was 1 year from when our village was hit hard by one..330 miles away .from Katrina..

Well, Steve and I breathed a sigh of relief this hurricane season having moved from Tampa to North Carolina. And what's happening??? Ernesto is coming through North Carolina.

I flew to Louisville, KY on Monday to visit my 85 and 84 year old mom and dad and flew back to Charlotte today. The flight out of Atlanta (my layover) to Charlotte was pretty bumpy. In fact, the flight attendants were told they couldn't leave their seats. The captain pointed out the outer bands of the tropical storm and told us that was why the flight was a little topsy-turvey. It was kind of neat to see the circular bands, but I was really glad when we finally landed safely. It's raining buckets here, and I just spoke with our daughter in Roanoke, and they are getting ready for flooding. In fact, she said she wouldn't be surprised to see that schools may be closed tomorrow. LINDA