Here we go again, part II!!!

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gadgetman Supporter
Supporting Member
Jan 3, 2005
Richland, GA (USA)
Dang it!!! Thought I wouldn?t be posting anything in this Thread Section for a long, long time (read NEVER AGAIN :( ) but here goes.

I go under the knife again to replace this dang AICD and lead. Got to report in at 6 AM, June 1st, with an overnight stay in the hospital to make sure things are working properly. Hospital food here I come. :eek: :mad: :p

I ask that everyone keep me in your prayers and good thoughts for a short, uneventful procedure. Hopefully I won?t have to go thru this again for many years.

May God Bless,

Danny :)
So sorry, Danny. Will put you on the calendar and hope this is a short, successful surgery and you are soon back on the road to full recovery.
Well one thing good about it, at least you know if your heart needs it, it will work. No fun in any event, but hey, what is anymore?
Danny, I know how disappointed you must be. Yes, you will be in my prayers. Maybe everything will be smooth sailing after this and I agree with Ross, if you are going to have the thing in your chest it's a good thing to know it would actually work if called upon.
Sorry Danny. You sure have my sincere hopes for the best possible outcome, with a hopefully short and uneventful procedure. Take care.
Danny, as you asked, we'll be praying for you for a successful and uneventful surgery. All the best, Wise & Cindy
Well, I hate to hear that you have to go through this, but I will pray that you get the "pain-free" option I apparently got this go 'round (I can't explain it, but I'm not complaining!). Good luck!!!

Am certainly sending good thoughts and prayers your way for June 1, Danny. Look forward to you giving us reviews of that good hospital chow :eek: when you feel like posting again, and hope that will be soon.

Danny ... very sorry.

GOOD LUCK ... and, of course, thoughts/prayers coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL procedure!

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"We'll keep you close as always" ... Michael W Smith ... 'Friends'
I was looking over my ?Instructions for Pacemaker/Generator Replacement Patients? and found a few humorous (at least to me) entries.

2. Extensive toying with the pulse generator could jar the lead loose. This must be a Southern thing---Bubba, BUBBA, quit yer pickin? at that thang!!!!! And put that Frig Magnet back on tha Frig!!! No, I ain?t a gonna turn off the light to see if it glows!!! :p

4. Never fire a rifle with the butt end of the weapon against the pacemaker. DUUUUH!!! Another one of those ?Hey y?all, hold my beer and watch this?!!! :p

5. Avoid activities which are likely to produce blunt trauma over the pulse generator. As if the rifle warning wasn?t enough!!!!! Dang, there goes the football season!!!! :eek:

6. Return to sexual activity as soon as desired. Then why the hell don?t they put locks on them hospital doors. It might work in the movies but propping a chair against the door don?t work, especially those that open OUT!!!! :D :p

May God Bless,

Bubba :)
Dagnabit Bubba, sorry to hear about this.

Question, do they make you take them thar dawgs outta the room before they work on you? :p
gadgetman said:
6. Return to sexual activity as soon as desired.

Remember to tell the wife this is a requirement to insure the device is working properly, :D
mntbiker said:
Dagnabit Bubba, sorry to hear about this.

Question, do they make you take them thar dawgs outta the room before they work on you? :p

Depends on how well behaved them dawgs are. Git down Blue. And quit licking the knife. GIVE ME THAT!!!!

Nothing more soothing than that cold nose and wet tongue on the cheek. Well, I guess it depends on which "cheek"????!!!!:eek: :eek: :(

May God Bless,

Bubba :)
mntbiker said:
Remember to tell the wife this is a requirement to insure the device is working properly, :D

Hey, I told the wife that was the ONLY WAY they could adjust the Pacer Mode. She didn't seem to buy it though!!!! I did point this RULE out to her. Can't quite figure what "rolled eyes" means!!!

May God Bless,

Bubba :)