Here I am- One full month post op

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2010
Here is my scar and my (ugly) drain holes ......I am happy with the low starting point...but I am hoping for it to slowly start get lighter any day now. Robin


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Actually, it looks pretty good. It should heal up nicely. Give it a year or two and you'll hardly see it at all. Just keep it out of the sun for 12 months.

You'll get so used to it you'll stare at people who Don't have permanent zippers.
I think for 1 month it looks real good.It will keep getting lighter.I am at almost 11 months and I can barely see mine.
I do have moments during the day that I can tell my heart is working better. My breathing is better. I have lost 15 pounds and my skin seems so much really I think that shows I just was not functioning as well as I should have been. I start Cardiac Rehab in 2 weeks and I think that will be good for me too. Right now I know I am hesitating when I think I am doing to much and might hurt my heart or sternum.
Looks great Robin! I think it takes quite a while for the red color to go away. I'm at 3 mo. and still have the red color. But I think it'll evenutally go away for the most part - I'm thinking at about 6-9 mo or so.
It is looking great Robin. Wear it like it a medal for what you have had to experience. I look at mine which is pretty bad but I don't care if there is a bad scar for this scar of mine represents the huge obstacle that I have overcome in my life! :)

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