Well-known member
hi again. i thought i would update with a 3 week post op picture. looks a lot better i think. i can't wait until i get to start using the scar cream on it. anyone know when i can start that?

Pfffft, in another year, you won't hardly be able to see it and besides, why should anyone care? Wear it with honor. It is the medal of honor won in the battle and fight for your life.
Jackie, I've asked about scar cream too. There have been at least 2, if not 3 different docs that all told me the same thing - wait 3 months before using those creams... And one of them also stressed the importance of rubbing it in very, very well like Penny said. And I even remember them telling me that before the surgery - they say everyone wants to rub vitamin E on it and it's not good to do that 'till later on... I got a tube from a friend (she's in the modeling/skin care biz so figured she knows her stuff) and it says on there not to use it 'till the wound is fully healed. So all signs seem to be pointing toward waiting a while. I can't remember what the name of that stuff is she gave me, but I'll go find it if you're interested.
I've also been wondering about tanning... Everyone so far is saying to use at least 30 sun block on the scar, which I don't know if I would have thought of before. And the girl at the tanning booth the other day (I know, it's summer, but it's been cloudy here for like 2 wks straight, lol) said to put a towel on it in addition to the 30 spf stuff... So I did, now I've got a big white stripe lol. Gonna go towel-less next time but still use the 30 spf, but hope it doesn't do any harm - don't think it will.
Anyway, your scar is looking awsome! Even at the top where you were concerned about the sideways scab for a while, lol. And those damn chest tubes... Yours don't look bad at all, but for me, that's turned out to be a bigger concern than the scar. It doesn't look like yours are dented in as bad as mine. Mine seriously looks like an extra belly button. Maybe when I drop 20 or 30 lbs I'm hoping it will flatten out some (now there's some incentive for me, lol). But so far the docs & nurses are trying to lower my expectations - they say it'll heal more, from the inside out, and it should flatten some, but there may always be a dent.. Wish I would've known that, I'd have asked for stitches like I've seen some people get. So for those in the waiting room - might be something to ask about pre-surgery if you're concerned about that type of thing.
Good to know about vit E cream for use in about 2-3 months....but have to ask, are you guys nuts for using tanning salon, eh?
It is mid June, sun at highest, almost apex, what about an hour back deck on a sunny day?
or are you looking for the no tan lines look? LOL
Seriously, am sitting out there for a while on the sunny days, have great colour, but do have tan lines..trick is not to overdo it, but would definatelky not be comfortable with using tanning booth
Jacquie, is fever down?
your scar looks great! I think you will have a really thin line and not a bumpy scar like mine. I bet Ross is right, by next year it will barely be noticeable.