Welcome to our wonderful group!
To address your second post.... you may indeed experience discomfort for awhile when you first return to work as a hairdresser. This will not be excruciating pain, but rather annoying stiffness and soreness. The thing I found with the sternum healing (I assume they are doing a full sternotomy on you?) was that once the surgeon and cardio both pronounced it "healed", as in bones are grown back together now....you can drive and start lifting more, the pain was more a nuisance than a worry. As long as you aren't going to pull yourself apart, you really don't have that sensation of pain. You will get tired, though. That is the part that you don't expect. Oh sure, you'll be able to work and work and push for a day or two, but then that 3rd day!!! You'll be tired!! It takes several months to build up that energy reserve. But then....once you're back on track.....you won't believe the energy level you will have!!! You will be a new person.
About the weight. I went into surgery very overweight. I did not attempt to lose weight prior to surgery because my surgeon said it just was not possible to lose enough weight (don't bother!), so just start moving some. So I started walking. I found a middle school track close by where many people run and walk, and I just walked on level ground (any incline was a huffer-puffer) for a few miles several times a week. I think it really helped me. I would encourage you to do it. "Mall" walking is a good idea, too. If you need more encouragement, do a search on our member, DerBiermeister. HE is a walker!! and a great cheerleader for it!!

He also had a lot of great questions prior to surgery which received great answers.
Now that I am almost 2 years post surgery, I am losing my weight, slowly but surely. I'm a firm believer in "the tortoise wins the race" mentality, so I am going about it with a lifestyle change. You really cannot change your lifestyle right now because you really are so much more ill than you realize!!! It may take you a longer time to feel really recovered (it did me, I'm sure) but you will have the energy to get yourself in better shape post surgery. Honest.
Now, of course, if your doctors or surgeon are telling you otherwise, their word is gospel, not mine!
Feel free to start new threads with any new questions. You'll get more answers that way!
Best wishes.