Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
I think you misunderstood me. I said it's clear and easy.I do agree without clear contradictions against one or other solutions the decision is incredibly hard
I think you misunderstood me. I said it's clear and easy.I do agree without clear contradictions against one or other solutions the decision is incredibly hard
" The thought of a ticking valve fills me with complete woe "The problem is the technical guidlines are in contradiction with the choice a lot of patients are making. In reality aortic valve replacement is very very rare in people aged 50 or below outside of forums like this I know and work with hundreds / thousands of people (my site where I work has 7000+) and I do not know anyone else so making a personal peer group choice is very difficult. Also my confidence at living to 70 is sadly very low at the moment and I will have to accept this. Most people with a fair wind live to a much older age. So either way this horrible illness dominates peoples lives and sometimes seems to effect almost every aspect of life. I am writing this laying in bed next to my youngest, it is early and I'm listening to the dawn chorus in almost complete silence. The thought of a ticking valve fills me with complete woe. Also (with the greatest of respect) some of these sites have people who have made hundreds sometimes thousands of comments this is not normal behaviour surely and partly demonstrates my fear of a life being dominated by an illness / affliction. Sadly there does not exist a one and done solution it appears.