Hemosense Inratio Help

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I just received training on a new Hemosense Inratio. The first time the nurse ran the test, it came to 6.5. The second time we ran it, it showed 5.5.
I can't believe that I would be so far---r off 2.5-3.5 target.

We ran it the third time, inserted the strip, and "Insert strip" message appeared on the screen, and would not go away- which makes me believe it's a defective unit.

I called hemosense's 24 x 7 1-800 # support number, but it's just a voice mail. Has some one experienced similar difficulties with an Inratio unit?

Thanks a bunch, Craig
try another strip, might of just been a bad stripand the machine wasn't reading it.
If you have another strip try it. When did you last have you INR checked at the lab and what was it then? Is there a possiblity of your Hematocrit being high right now? I've run into this once before while my chf was acting up and couldn't get a valid test with the machine.
test # 4 shows 7.5

test # 4 shows 7.5

I just did test # 4 with a brand new stip, and the result was 7.5. My lab test 2 weeks ago was 2.7.

Is it likely that the Inratio machine is defective?

My hemotocrit hasn't been checked in 6 months. Does this warrant a new trip to internist? Is high INR enough reason to retest hemotocrit?

Thanks again!
I'm guessing that there is a high probability that something is wrong, either with the machine, or with the batch of test strips.

Still - I would want to have a test done asap to compare the results. For peace of mind, if nothing else. Is there an ER close by that your doctor can call and ask them to do a finger stick for you, or a stat blood draw? If you lived in the Chicago area, I'd tell you to come over and test on my machine to see what your INR is.

Don't get discouraged. You must have gotten my INRatio shipment by mistake. I'm usually the one that gets the messed up electronical equipment. Tends to be my luck.

The INRation is a slick little machine that works well for me (and it's my 2nd home testing unit), so if this is a bad one, don't let it blow your thoughts of the ease of home testing.
Definately go get a lab draw and if it's in range, then I would ask to have my Hematocrit checked. When mine was out of whack, I got nothing but error codes with every attempt, so I'm thinking your INR really is way up there. Nonetheless, get the lab draw asap. If it is a bad unit, Hemosense will take care of you asap also. There just isn't anyone around on the weekends.
Finger Squeeze?

Finger Squeeze?

I'm hoping to do home INR testing soon.
I'm still waiting on my INRatio, so I can't speak from experience.

BUT, I'll mention this anyway. :D
Is it possible you had to squeeze your finger too hard to get the drop of blood? It is my understanding that hard squeezing (or "milking the finger") can cause the blood sample to become contaminated with tissue fluid other than blood, resulting in erroneous readings.

Just a thought. :)

btw, I certainly agree with the wisdom expressed above about getting a lab or clinic INR test soon!

Please let us know what you find out. I want to learn from your experience. :)

I agree with the others. The only way to know for sure is to have a lab test done to compare OR you could test someone not on coumadin to see if they test around 1.0. If they do, then there is something wrong with your INR not the machine.
I have not had any problems with my INRatio. When it reads high, it's always because my INR is high.
geebee said:
I agree with the others. The only way to know for sure is to have a lab test done to compare OR you could test someone not on coumadin to see if they test around 1.0. If they do, then there is something wrong with your INR not the machine.I have not had any problems with my INRatio. When it reads high, it's always because my INR is high.

Leave it to a woman to come up with the best idea;)
Also be sure there is absolutely no trace of alcohol left on your finger. Even a slight bit will deter clotting and cause a high INR reading. I had this happen a number of times and went to using an antiseptic scrub and throughly drying the finger before poking it. Also the test with the INRatio has a +/- 30% range so the number you're getting would be about on for a 6.0 or so (that would be about a 4.8 with a lab draw as my unit reads consitantly 75% higher than the lab results - not to say that the lab results are any better, but that's what the doc goes by and has no real reson not to. I just adust and regulate from there. Double check that all the alcohol has evaporated though.)
Well I've scratched my brain over and over. As long as the test strip number is entered correctly, the strip is face up and the machine self tests without error during the self test, then the machine should be functioning correctly. The quick check method is grab someone not on Coumadin and test them. If it's .08 to 1.2 then it's definately not the machine. I'm afraid that's the best we can do until Monday.
Per the alcohol messing up the test - I always dab off (by just touching it to a tissue, not wiping it) the first drop of blood and use the second for the test. I got into the habit of doing that with my ProTime - because those were the instructions I was given.

And Gina - kudos to you girlfriend! I read your post and thought "duh! Test a friend or family member - good idea!"
Karlynn said:
Per the alcohol messing up the test - I always dab off (by just touching it to a tissue, not wiping it) the first drop of blood and use the second for the test. I got into the habit of doing that with my ProTime - because those were the instructions I was given.

And Gina - kudos to you girlfriend! I read your post and thought "duh! Test a friend or family member - good idea!"

I don't even clean my finger before I stick it. I guess I prolly should, but I have had so many hooks stuck in my hands over the years fishing and my hands are really dirty fishin, I just figured these little needle sticks are pretty clean.
INRatio Performance

INRatio Performance


If you have not resolved this yet please call 877-436-6444 opt 4 to speak with one of our Technical Support representatives.

I have brought this thread to their attention.


Don't squeeze finger, & drop the first drop!

Don't squeeze finger, & drop the first drop!

I had a coagucheck test at my cardio?s office..... it read 2.1. I said, ?No way, I don?t believe it.... just look at my legs!? They were covered in bruises and pectiae. The cardio agreed with me that I would check it on my own protime machine when I got home. I took it one step farther and had a draw at the hospital and with in ten mins did one on my protime..... 3.6 and 4.0

The cardio asked me when I was in his office if the nurse had squeezed my finger during the bloody test....... YES, she did. Read Jwilliams post.

I always clean the finger with alcohol pad, then touch the first drop of blood to a tissue too.

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