HELP!!!!! What should this careless mommy do?

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Today I was about to prepare Amelia's warfarin and placed the 1mg tablet in the pill crusher. I walked to the kitchen to get a cup of water to mix her tablet when I got distracted and then - when I turned around, to my horror she was holding the cup and syringe!!!! the wafarin tablet is nowhere in sight!!!!

She is on 0.8mg daily and I prepare it by crushing the 1mg tablet in 1 ml of water and server 0.8ml of the suspension. Assuming she took the whole 1mg tablet - she would be a little on the overdose side. BUT I cannot be sure she took it because there was nothing in her mouth.

I must be really stupid. What should I do?
No matter what you do, it will probably result in Amelia being just fine.

1. If she took the whole tablet, it is just one 20% overdose. This should not cause any harm.

2. If she threw it away, it will be one missed dose. People miss a dose all the time and nothing happens.

3. If you give her a half tablet it could result in almost double what she would usually get. People forget and take double doses all the time.

It is just another part of the learning process. You get more used to the warfarin. She grows and does unexpected things.

I would consider giving her a 1/2 dose just in case the tablet rolled away and under something. It is better to have her INR a little high than to let it drop too much. However, if you can reach her doctor to ask, that might be the best.

Try not to beat yourself up too much - it is easy to get distracted. I do it myself sometimes trying to remember if I took a pill or not and I have a pillbox.;) :rolleyes: :D
Hi Dawn,
We've been there a couple of times ourselves when Chloe was a toddler. I did exactly as Gina suggests and gave a half dose to ensure she at least has some in her system and goes to high rather than low.
The joys of warfarin and children!

Love Emma
Thanks for the replies....

Thanks for the replies....

hi Al, Gina and Emma

We managed to find the little tablet that rolled away and I just gave her the "remining" dose for the day. I guess we need to "educate" our little wafarin kid on her medication. Funny thing was the daddy took another pill to see what she would do with the pill to "retrace" her steps - instead of poping it into her mouth like a sweet, she was trying to crush like what I would do. only thing was it rolled away when she was "preparing" her medication.

I wonder if I need to know more about kids n warfarin. lifestyle, skate scooter, roller blading, gym classes.....?

At least mom now knows there is no need to panic. Just continue as usual and things will straighten out in time.
You will learn all about those things as the need arises.

My advice - Let Amelia be all that she can be.

Glad that you discovered the pill.
Hi, Dawn

Amelia's dad is a good detective :)
I was wondering how Amelia was getting her dose of Comadin because the smallest pill was 1 mg. Now I know.
I am glad it turned out OK.

By the way, check out the following thread on the first aid powder.
I plan to buy this QR powder and keep it handy.
If it is not available in Singapore, I may be able to send it to you if you'd like....
