ROFLOL!!! "Cut here"...You tube...
...Now I have this image of a video taking place in your kitchen entitled "Do It Yourself Heart Surgery With Aaron J". We'll hear Aaron's voice as the narrator, as we see a live-action computer generated drawing with cut lines appearing where he plans to cut..."I figure this whole section here has got to go..."
HA HA HA HA HA!!! Man, I was laughing so hard for a minute there, I went into SOB and coughing spasms. Hey, if I disappear off this board, it will be all your fault, Aaron and Oaktree ...quit making me laugh!
Aaron...I dare you to tell your surgeon that you measured the CT yourself and you think they got it wrong.
That's what my husband dared me to do when I used the eFilmLite program on the CT disk to measure mine. You're in good company! 
"Cut here"...LOL
HA HA HA HA HA!!! Man, I was laughing so hard for a minute there, I went into SOB and coughing spasms. Hey, if I disappear off this board, it will be all your fault, Aaron and Oaktree ...quit making me laugh!
Aaron...I dare you to tell your surgeon that you measured the CT yourself and you think they got it wrong.
"Cut here"...LOL