HELP..frozen with fear..I need some advice, help,

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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2006
Kilkenny, Ireland.
Hi everyone, I really need to vent all of this, so Im just going to say it all as it is. Iv been having a lot of problems for some time now with my throat. I have an uncomfortable feeling in my throat, small lumps come up and down on the back of my throat, and I feel as though they are all the way down. I get a burning feeling in my mouth, and sometimes I feel as though something is making my stomach reach, coming from the area of my thoat, and also bothers my breathing. Also when I take a drink, I can only take a mouthful at a time. I havent been able to 'glug' down a glass of water for about 4 years. I often choke on food or drink, even my saliva really badly. When I take a pill it feels like it goes into my stomach and then a few minutes later, I feel it back up in my chest. When I eat food usually the last mouthful comes back up into my chest.

I dont know if my throat problems are associated with my stomach problems, but I know for sure that my throat problem started when I took amiodarone in 2005.

Anwyay, the reason for my panic, is that I saw a consultant thismorning and he wants me to have a scope into my stomach TOMORROW. He said it was URGENT. Im sooo scared. Im scared of whats wrong and Im scared of the actual scope....really scared. I had it done about 1/half years ago and I woke up in the middle of it all, was held down by my shoulders and arms and Im honestly terrified of it happening again. They told me afterwards that they didnt want to give too much sedation with my heart arrhythmia problems, which means it would be the same this time.

My question is this, wouldnt a ct or mri scan be just as good or better for having a look in there ?
If the doctor says it's urgent, then you've got to have it done, like it or not. Tell them about your former bad experience and that you want them to assure you you won't have a repeat of it. Wishing you all the best.
Sorry to hear that your having such a hard time Jacqui. I'm not a doctor but sounds like to me a bad case of acid reflex. I have a friend that had the scope thing done and thats what they found out. Your systems sound almost the same. She is on meds and it has helped her quite a bit. I hope they can find out with you whats going on.
I know your not going to like what I have to say, but I'm almost positive they have to do the scope to see whats going on. I dont think they can do a CT or a MRI for something like that. It can't hurt to ask your dr though I would if I were you.
I know its hard now but you will feel so much better if they find out whats wrong and then it can be taken care of. Keep us updated and I wish you the best of luck and many prayers going out for you. =)

Crystal =)
If the doctor says it's urgent, then you've got to have it done, like it or not. Tell them about your former bad experience and that you want them to assure you you won't have a repeat of it. Wishing you all the best.

I totally agree...they should avoid what happened last time.

I hope it is nothing serious. I, personally, went to see a doctor as I always felt the last mouthful stays at the top of my throat...luckily (somehow) in my case, it is 'acid reflux' and I have, at this early stage, just avoid all citrus fruits and acidic food and lift up the head of my bed at night. It is getting better...luckily I have one of those adjustable beds and my husband does not mind it a bit lifted.

Keep us informed, Jacqui. Will keep you in my prayers.
Jacqui, I'm pretty sure that a ct or mri will not be any where near as good as scoping you. Sorry! With a scope, they actually can see the real tissue (vs. looking at an x-ray of that tissue) and tell if it is red, inflamed, etc. They can also take tissue samples to biopsy at the same time. I definitely would tell the Dr. about your prior experience (leaving out the part about WHY they gave you so little sedative) and tell him that you do not want a repeat of that. Make sure he understands and agrees to look out for you in that regard. If anything, the versed they give you should have a tendency to calm your arrhythmias (that's why I had to suffer through those two abaltions with summer without any drugs, because they knew the drugs would suppress them).

Listen Jacqui, you need to do this tomorrow. You know how your health care system works better than all of us. They never seem in a hurry to do anything there, so if they are saying it is urgent, I would take them at their word. For what it is worth, I know when I was scoped years ago, I had some kind of constiction which they dialated while they were in there that made me experience some of the kinds of symptoms that you are describing.

So, take a deep breath, try and get some rest tonight, and go take care of this tomorrow. You know we will be here waiting on you.

Oh Jacqui, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I know the anticipation of repeating an unpleasant experience can drive you crazy. That's happened to me a couple of times but when I spoke up at a repeat test, they went out of their way to make sure I had a better experience. As hard as it is, try to relax and keep telling yourself that it will be nothing like your previous experience.

And, you're obviously scared about what they'll find. I would be too. But... chances are very much in your favor that it's fixable - just be thankful you're getting the attention you need right away.

I'll be thinking of you and waiting to hear of the results. Peace.
Maybe you'll get more some answers to some of your problems. What kind of specialist did you see?

I understand about being paralyzed with fear, they almost had to knock me out for my angiogram, and I so badly wanted to be able to chat with the doctor as he was doing it, and look at my heart on the monitor, but I was just about out cold, and missed all the good stuff. So, tell them, they do have other drugs they can use, even if all it does is relaxes you to the stage where you just don't care!
I have reflux too and it sounds alot like what you are describing. Tell them you want to be sure to sleep thru the whole precedure.
Sending my best thoughts and prayers to you, Jacqui. I agree, tell them about the experience last time and see if they can safely increase sedation this time The good news is that they are going to get a good luck at this and be able to help make it better for you.
I hope you find some answers! It sounds to me a lot like really bad acid reflux.. I had many similar symptoms too and had a few tests done, then took nexium and I've been fine ever since.. I hope that's all it is for you!
I have no experience with this but certainly doesn't sound pleasant at all. Seems they should be able to do something differently this time to make sure you are completely oblivious to the whole thing. Just take the bull by the horns and make sure they understand how frightened you are. Best of luck in finding a resolution to your problem. That will have made it all worth it in the end.

Do you have a hiatal hernia? Hopefully you will know a lot more tomorrow night than you do tonight. I think it is necessary to have this test done and I'm glad you don't have too much time to worry about it ahead of time. Do tell your doctor about your last experience. I'm hoping this time will be a completely different story.

Is this going to be done at the same place you had the last one?
Tell you what, there's no pain like throat pain. Get it checked out and get it better. I went in for something unrelated and they discovered esophageal erosion. It's healed now, but it was bad and I had no idea.
I agree, it sounds like GERD (GastroEsophageal Reflux Disease) and they will need to LOOK at your esophagus and probably will want to take biopsy's. Your symptoms sound Serious and Need to be treated appropriately.

I had an Endoscopy some time ago and they used VERSED which is classified as a form of "Conscious Sedation". They can take you from 'I don't care' to "I don't want to see or remember anything" with the dose. It did NOT cause any arrhythmias.

Did you tell your Doctor(s) about these symptoms when they first appeared, or any other time in the past 4 years?

It sounds like you should have been put on anti-reflux medication such as Prilosec (Generic: Omeprazole) or Nexium or the less potent Pepcid (Generic: Furosemeide) Years Ago.
Wishing you the very best Jacqui & praying that the procedure will not be as awful as you expect. Hang in there & try to stay tough.

We'll be waiting to hear what the drs tell you.

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