ARGREENMN Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my plea here. It helps so much just to be able to communicate with people that are having the same type of experiences as you are. They can truly give you insight and make you feel so much better. My angio is in just a little bit, and I'll let everyone know what happens. I think it will be about 3 bus. days before I know the results from what I've read. Thanks a million. Glad to hear you're doing so well. Brighter days ahead!
You can just call me Andy - lot easier to type lol. Sounds like you're a little better already, which is great. And you're absolutely right - it helps a million percent to talk w/ people who have been through this. We all start out on the side you're on now - the pre-op side (aka the waiting room). And we're all worried, have a zillion questions, etc probably just like you. Then before you know it (it'll go fast) you'll be on the other side (post-op side) and will be the one giving advice and support to others Just in the last few weeks that I've been on here, there have been several of us that have flipped from your side (by far the hardest side) to the post-op side. Myself, Gil, and Malibu to name just a few. It's so cool to see people come in scared, then a couple or few weeks later be the ones giving advice/support to those still in the waiting room. Ask, ask, ask until you feel comfortable. Talk to ya after the angio.