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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hey guys, how are you? I am doing well! Kevin checked into his new command on Friday, and he said that everybody seemed nice there, and he's looking forward to getting going with his actual job. Sounds like he's going to LOVE it, which is great! It was not only stressful for him going to work at a job he hated, but stressful for me to watch him go, and come home unhappy. He said the only thing he's not going to like is having 4-5 seamen under him. He's a 2nd class. He'll be up for 1st next year. I'm just glad he likes his job, and he's home again with us...Ian won't let go of him, he just clings to Kevin like glue. I hope everybody has a great veteran's day tomorrow, and enjoy yourselves!
Hi Joy!
It's great to hear that everything is going so well for you and your family. You deserve it. It sounds like your kids are equally as thrilled, to have their daddy back, as you are. Take care and enjoy that wonderful family of yours.

hi joy!
joey and i have been away for about a week in mexico and i was so thrilled to hear that you are doing so well and kevin is home and all that wonderful news.... finally!!!
i'm so happy for all of you. stay well and enjoy every minute.
all the best, sylvia
All good

All good

Hey, Joy! Sounds like things have taken a much happier turn for you and your family. Glad to see you're making the best of it :D
Ok, I'm going to tell you how I got the nickname tinkerbelle...My best friend in high school was Sarah Rossman(we called her Rossman). She actually looked like you, Gail. SHe grew her hair out, and I think that's all that changed. Anyways, my last name used to be Bell, and I am 5'4, and only weighed like 80 pounds throughout highschool, so she made up the nickname "tinkerbelle." I also had the nick name "hell's Bells" because I was a trouble maker in high school. WE also listened to AC/DC. I was a wild one back then, now I am just weird, but settled down. There's my story. fun, huh? No it was NOT fun around christmas, because everybody always made jokes about being a "joy bell" Man, I love being a Joy Paulson! Well, take care!