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Hi all,
Sorry took me so long to get online and post but it looks like Cooker did a good job for me! Thanks buddy!
Got home on Sunday which was great & awful at the same time, 5 hour ride was LONG! Luckily got released sooner than expected but did a good job of persuading Dr that I do better once I'm home. :D
I am sporting 2 lovely On-X valves that purr like a little diesel in my chest and I guess due to the fact I'm so thin, they actually make my upper body twitch slightly. Really kinda wierd but at least I feel like they are doing their job.
Went to Cardiologist today, had an ECHO, was not as great as I expected but maybe in time.......He says valves are working great but heart is still very weak due to prior damage and not sure how much will come back, just have to wait and see.
I'm dealing with a LOT of swelling from my lower back to my toes, Lasix isn't working good yet for it but Dr told me to go ahead increase my fluids back to normal because the new med Metoprolol is making my BP too low (ie.82/44,78/42 etc.) It's supposed to help my heart beat better but needs more fluid in my system and mine all seems to be stuck below my waist!
I might be a puss after all but I'm gonna say this, I HURT!! Don't want to scare anyone with upcoming surgery but it's been rough. Cardio says it's a LOT to do with the fact that I have Severe Osteoporosis(-3.2) so it's harder on my bones than most.
EVERY nurse or Dr or other patient, that I spoke with at Emory was stunned at my knowledge of valve replacement so look for a few lurkers around here as I made sure they knew where I got my info & support.
I have a nice soft voice now although I think it's just temporary but it's thanks to 2 days on the vent. Uggh!! There is a couple nice nurses at Emory that unfortunately bore the brunt of my anger about the vent by being politely kicked as they rounded the end of my bed. Needless to say, I woke up the next time restrained properly. :eek:
My family said they knew I'd be ok when they heard about me fighting back. Lord forgive me, I was under the influence of very powerful drugs?!!
I truly appreciate all the well wishes, prayers and kind words from all of you and I hope to be back up and going a bit faster soon. You gals/guys are simply the best ever!!
Welcome Back Sweetie!!!!!:D

I am so thrilled to hear how good you are doing in spite of all your complications. You certainly weren't a routine case. Just keep taking it easy, and let your strength come back to you. I'm just so glad that it sounds like they did an excellent job, and before you know it you're going to be a whole lot better and have a new lease on life. Keep checking in as your strength allows and keep us updated on your progress. You sound wonderful.

Gentle Hugs to you!!!!
Congrats on your return home. The pain issues I think most of us can relate to. Took me to 10 weeks before I quit taking anything for pain. 2 weeks on the heavy stuff, then tylenol before bed for a few weeks. My wife gave me backrubs as often as I could get for the first couple weeks. It wasn't till last week (11weeks) that my right arm finally quit hurting when I tried to prop myself up. So be assured that things WILL get better.
Sleep, Sleep walk walk and enjoy that the operation is behind you and that from now on you get better. It takes time, but hey alls good when you have the time :)
And I sure know about the doughboy look! My feet looked like they belonged on a clown after the operation. I gained 26# took a couple weeks for things to get closer to normal.
Hey Sheila,
Welcome to the other side of the mountain. Glad to hear you are doing OK, now just take it easy for awhile and don't start overdoing it.
Hi Sheila...you sound in good spirits...and yeah some of us do ache a bit more than others after surgery...I reckon you are right about the Arthritis thingy too...Glad to see you back at home...now dont overdo anything even if you feel up to it...
Welcome back Sheila:)
You sound wonderful! yes the rest will take time..but hey now that you got some new valves you have plenty of time;) !!

Keep checking in dear.. and some gentle massage really helps with some of that pain. and walking around a bit should help re-distribute that fluid.
For me, mine was all in my belly, One would have thought I had a baby not heart surgery:p
take care
So glad to see you posting Sheila. Walk when you can, rest lots and I just know you will be feeling a lot better in time for the Holidays. Nice to have you back!
So nice to see you back with us again! Congratulations on your new supercharged engine! Be good to yourself as you recover!
Sheila - Been wondering about you. Glad to hear from you! Cooker did do a good job on letting us know what it going on with you. YOU MADE IT!! Now take it slow and let us know how things are going! Gentle Hugs from me also!!
Welcome back Sheila!

I'm SO GLAD to see you alive and "kicking"! :D

I expect you will find that there are Good Days and Not-so-Good Days. As long as the trend is toward improvement on a Weekly Basis, you are heading in the right direction.

I almost hate to tell you this, but I think you need to be prepared: The BAD NEWS is that it can take over a YEAR to recover. The GOOD NEWS is that you (or at least I) continue(d) to improve for over a year.

I can remember reading all of the Super Success Stories, especially from the younger athletic types who were back to work in a few weeks and feeling GREAT. MY recovery just didn't match up and there were times that I was 'P*ssed'. I expect the Radiation Damage to my heart muscles was a major factor. Bottom Line: At 18 months out I was push-mowing 2 acres and hand sawing trees and limbs so I did get better, it just took longer than I would have liked.

Did you get an Incentive Spirometer for Breathing Exercises? I was told to use it for 10 minutes every 2 hours to help reinflate my lungs and push out the fluids that had settled in my chest cavity. When I 'pushed', I could actually feel the fluids being squeezed out.

So, as the VR.com mantra goes,
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe,
Walk, Walk, Walk,

I REALLY liked my NAPS, but I must admit my sleep pattern got all messed up for several weeks. Rarely did I sleep more than 3 hours at a time, for a long time.

So tell us, do you HEAR your On-X valves?
Or just experience the 'twitch'?
A POUNDING Heart Beat is not uncommon following surgery. It usually 'calms down' but like everything else, it takes TIME.

Try to have PATIENCE with your recovery.
I KNOW it's hard, but you WILL get better, in time.

And get your Hubby (and kids?) involved in Massage Therapy whenever those nasty Muscle Pains arise!

From one Radiation Survivor to another,

'AL Capshaw'
I'm glad to see you back, Sheila!
Take it easy and enjoy your new, improved life!
Been watchin' for that name posting!

Been watchin' for that name posting!

So glad to hear that you had a successful surgery. I am sorry to hear of the challenges you face now - but I have confidence you will weather them too!!
Best of luck - and as everyone says - seems the best advice now is
Eat Breathe Walk Rest
Wecome to the other side. Glad things are going better and yeah, why do we still have to deal with the pain. Things do improve and you seem to have the right attitude to handle the bad with the good.
Congratulations, Sheila! I am looking forward to my double valve replacement next week and I've been inspired by your recovery so far. I don't have the same bone problems as you do and my heart muscle is supposedly still strong, but I am still nervous. It will be painful, but better in recovering than in anticipating. I always do better when whatever I am worried about is in the past. Nice to hear from you! Marcie

Glad you're home!

And as Al Capshaw said, yes, it can take up to/sometimes take more than 1 year to fully recover. Your sternum may be healed in 6-8 weeks, and perhaps some people are blessed to feel "normal" at that point, but when your heart has become enlarged pre-op, it does take longer to fully recover. Been there, done that.

Take it easy -- let your family/friends wait on you hand & foot for now. Get lots of rest. Walk as directed by your doctors. When you feel great, don't get overly optimistic and overdo it.

Trust me (and others): Time will seem like it's dragging, but it will fly before you know it and you'll be back to "normal" (whatever that is!).
Sheila - How are you doing these days? Haven't heard from you for awhile. Just checking in to see how you are progressing? Let us know how things are going when you feel up to it!


Shiela, What a terrific post , and wonderful sense of humor:D ! Your frank style got a chuckle out of me! I love the analogy of a small diesel! Diesels are very tuff! Glad you are alive and "kicking"! Your valve bro, Brian
Hi Sheila
I was reading your post in my post-op thread and saw that your operation is barely 3 weeks old! I am amazed at your resiliency!

The very best to you and wishes for a complete recovery.

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